Wearable Industrial Kinetic Gel System (IKGS)

Discussion in 'Approved' started by Dust and Echoes, Jan 28, 2022.

  1. Dust and Echoes

    Dust and Echoes Galactic Citizen

    Sep 24, 2018
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    Name: Industrial Kinetic Gel System, IKGS, Miners Yogurt

    Description: A thick, non-nutonian gel usually stored in form-holding bags and hung around the chest, back, shoulders, waist, or other vulnerable areas to protect industrial miners and factory workers.

    Abilities: Industrial Kinetic Gel is a pale, viscous liquid in its regular state. However, when struck by something with enough force the gel will automatically harden into a brittle mass similar to a ceramic plate. This mass will then shatter as needed to expel any additional kinetic force inflicted upon it. The gel will then slowly return to its liquid state, this process takes roughly a minute.

    Conditional Abilities (Optional): The IKGS is not recommended or designed for use in combat, however standard amounts of the gel (personal plates tend to come in variations of .5 to 1 inch of thickness) can arrest most ballistic pistol calibers, however they are not guaranteed to stop anything larger. Additionally, the IKGS is non-conductive, making it decent protection against live wires, flames, or- while not recommended- non-directed energy weaponry, however, this can raise more problems (SEE BELOW)

    Limitations: As stated before, after dispersing a kinetic force, the gel system takes roughly a minute to fully return to its liquid state (however this value may vary slightly for larger or smaller forces). Additionally, if the gels 'bag' is breached by the foreign body, it will then begin to leak. Additionally, IKGS does not react well with heat. Intense heats- such as those inflicted by direct contact with flames- will cause the gel to 'fry', fixing it in its solid form. This is not recommended, as the material loses much of its protective properties.

    Conditional Limitations (Optional):
    The IKGS offers next to no protection against directed energy weapons such as Plasma or Laser weaponry

    How does it work:
    When a foreign body strikes a pad filled with the IKGS, the gel will immediately give, bleeding kinetic energy from the object. Once it is compressed to a certain threshold, the gel will instantaneously solidify and then shatter, arresting the momentum of the object entirely. Any remaining kinetic energy will be directed back towards the object, usually ejecting it from the gel. If the gels pad was compromised this will also eject any contaminated or heat-compromised gel (still in its solid-state)

    Flavor text: The SAFESET Protective Gel System was designed to provide needed protection to miners and industrial workers throughout the galaxy after the tragedy of the Ikelo-7 Mine Collapse. 'In a Galaxy so rife with automated work-' said SAFESET CEO Darell Brandon, '-it is a tragedy that even sentient being should lose their lives on a job site.'. The SAFESET IKGS was designed immediately afterward, and provided at a premium to all major mining and industrial firms throughout civspace, and licensed reproductions of the system have spread it to nearly every job site since- as well as several miners uprisings.

    Attainability: OPEN

    Tags: [Civilian]

    Category: Wearable
    Pinkbat5, ThatCabbage and Cheffy like this.
  2. Khaos

    Khaos Purple Man Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Giving this a first pass.
  3. zirconzz

    zirconzz da guy Staff Member Community Monitor Gold Donator

    Dec 17, 2017
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