
Discussion in 'Approved' started by Yz2, Aug 2, 2017.

  1. Yz2

    Yz2 Galactic Enforcer Staff Member Community Monitor Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Name: Lernaia Draconis
    More commonly known as 'Hydras'.


    "Evolution. Genetic modification. I don't know for sure what made that thing. But I know one thing for sure. Whatever it is hates all of us."
    -A comment from a Vampyr knight upon seeing a Hydra for the first time in Tartarus.

    Hydras are extremely dangerous monsters, found in the Erebus, Djarus and Tartarus layers of the Undercrypt. Massive in size and strength, only the most seasoned of exploring parties have ever been able to slay them. Hydras are reptilian, their bodies stout and squat. Legs at the sides of the body, not directly underneath. A Hydras body is covered in tough, scaled hide, capable of turning most blades and bullets. Two inches thick on most parts, thinner on the heads. 1 or 1/2 inch thick there. Their bodies consist of lungs, livers and other organs an organism needs to function. However, they also possess two chambers inside their bodies, containing substances.

    However, what makes the Hydra unusual is the amount of heads they possess. Hydras are born with six heads and seven brains. The seventh brain is inside their body, safely hidden behind bones and skin. Their heads aren't as well-protected by armour, making them vulnerable to bladed weaponry. And what makes a Hydra deadly is their regenerative ability. For centuries, these creatures were thought to be indestructible due to their regeneration. A Hydra is capable of rapid cellular reconstruction. Capable of growing back entire heads in a matter of minutes. Bone, flesh and scales. Even brains and organs. Hydras accomplish this by having a symbiotic relationship with an organism known as 'Hydra's blood'. A substance capable of triggering incredibly powerful regeneration in Hydras. Hydra's blood is stored in one of the chambers in the Hydra's body, the other containing massive amounts of biological slurry. Material for the Hydra to regenerate with. Hydras have specifically evolved to utilise the Hydra's blood, and as such are the only organism capable of consuming it.

    All the advantages having multiple heads bring are taken into account. Constant vigilance, the ability to watch all directions and being generally much harder to kill. Heads occasionally fight among each other, the loser being ripped off and consumed by the others for a more agreeable one to take their place.

    When a head is severed, the Hydra usually doesn't just stop at growing it back. The stump tends to split into two, with new heads sprouting from them. Of course, Hydras cannot infinitely regenerate their heads. There comes a point where their well of biomass and Hydra's blood runs dry. They can then be killed by destroying the remaining brains. Including the one in the chest. However, going this route in killing one would take a long time, and likely result in heavy casualties on the attackers end from the sheer length of the battle and the heads that would have grown.

    As one would expect from a being this powerful, cults and religions have sprouted amongst the denizens of the Undercrypt, some societies revering these monsters as gods. Offerings and pilgrimages are made to the Hydra's territories ever so often. The Hydras accept the food with open arms.

    Powerful and rare, Hydras are hardly ever hunted by explorers. Though those able to kill one would have their names told in legends for all time.

    Behavior: Hydras normally stay where Hydra's blood grows, feeding off it and ensuring that it spreads. A Hydra's territory expands as far as the Hydra's blood spreads. They spend most of their days hunting, collecting biomass to fuel their regeneration. Hydras are not above cannibalism. Or even self-cannibalism. Severed parts and heads taken by adventurers are usually eaten afterwards. They tend to keep to themselves. Hydras have been taught over time that adventurers are dangerous. And will usually attack parties that wander too far into their territory.

    Tamability: Hahahahaha you wish.

    Where is it found?: Erebus, Tartarus and Djarus of the Undercrypt. Usually near water. Some may exist off-world as well.


    A Hydra. Found by the coast of Djarus.

    Rarity: Very very few exist. One or two per layer.

    Diet/Method of gaining nutrients and energy: Technically omnivore. The majority of the nutrients they gain come from Hydra's blood, though it is necessary for them to supplement this diet by hunting other large organisms. Occasionally, offerings are made to them by terrified villagers. They eat these. And the villagers too.

    A whole lot of:
    -Likely large amounts of loot. Though it isn't a direct product from the Hydra, Hydra dens are typically filled with treasure from explorers that have tried and failed to kill them.

    Sexual reproduction. Though due to their long lifespans, reproduction is hardly necessary. And rarely occurs. Though Hydra eggs do exist in the Undercrypt. Efforts are usually made to ensure that the creatures cannot reproduce. Such as eggs being destroyed. Who wants more of these things, after all?

    Size: Massive. The size of a house. Or bigger. 

    Weight: Several tons.

    Lifespan: Due to their regenerative abilities working their magic, Hydras are biologically immortal. So long as they are given access to Hydra's blood.

    An Erebus Hydra.

    -Deadly, debilitating venom. And resistance to toxins.
    -Multiple heads and brains. Born with 6. A Hydra can grow more in the thick of battle, but those are shed once things calm down.
    -Amazing size and strength
    -Regenerative abilities
    -Ability to come back from any injury so long as a single brain is intact
    -Tartarus Hydras are capable of breathing fire, from a third chamber in their bodies containing methane. Yes. Fire from all 6+ heads. 
    -Intelligence. Problem solving skills. Though a Hydra forgets most of its learned behaviour when a head is cut off.

    -Slower to recover from burns. (Tartarus Hydras have the opposite weakness. Wounds inflicted by Frosten weapons) The stump of a head can be burned to stop it from regrowing
    -Require Hydra's blood to stay alive. Will die within a few weeks if deprived of it.
    -Cold blooded. That's why they don't exist in Boreas.
    -Extremely rare.

    Other: This app is meant to go in tandem with the Hydra's blood app. I'd like to request they be graded with each other in mind. Yes, they're pretty overpowered. Meant to serve as high-tier bosses for the Undercrypt setting.
  2. Yz2

    Yz2 Galactic Enforcer Staff Member Community Monitor Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Bumping and requesting a grade. Been about a month.
  3. Khaos

    Khaos Purple Man Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Hello @YongZhi !​
    I will be grading your bestiary application.​
    I have two questions. Firstly, I would like to know the average thickness and durability of its hide- and while this is glossed upon in its resilience, I would like to know what minimum firepower is necessary to deal real damage.​
    Additionally, if its biomatter and Hydra's Blood reserves are depleted and it has no heads (yet still has a torso brain), does this mean it would starve to death?​
  4. Yz2

    Yz2 Galactic Enforcer Staff Member Community Monitor Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    I'm not very well versed in bullet calibres, but I'd say it would take guns with more firepower than a standard assault rifle to piece the hide. The hide would be around 6" thick, and the hide around their heads much thinner. At 2". The hide starts getting much weaker at the very base of the head. Cutting weapons are best for ripping through it, most bullets and arrows having little effect. Lasers and plasma do not melt through instantly, but concentrated fire of those materials on spots can break through. Except on Tartarus Hydras. Those are extremely resistant to heat-based weaponry.

    Additionally, yes, they would starve if they have no way of ingesting more material. The torso will wander around until it starves, though it can still survive long enough to be saved through artificial means.
  5. Khaos

    Khaos Purple Man Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Alright, I'm going to request that you bump the skin thickness down to something a bit more reasonable, though their overall toughness may stay the same.
    The skin shouldn't pass four inches for something that's the size of a house at minimum, while thinner areas are around 1/2 to 1 inches thick. (On the heads of course. Areas around bone-ridges and eyes, etc would be the thinnest.)
  6. Yz2

    Yz2 Galactic Enforcer Staff Member Community Monitor Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Sure, that sounds perfect. I wasn't really sure how thick skin would be and research didn't provide much, so I was originally intending on just leaving it ambiguous and having the toughness be the only thing of importance. The figures you've mentioned will be edited in a while after this post.
  7. Khaos

    Khaos Purple Man Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Noice. I see that you made the proper edits and everything and I think we're good to go. This gets a pass from me.
    Don't let it get to your heads, you might just lose one.