Character Name: Hierro Masters Cause of Death: Hierro is a biologically created human with augments built into him by Diana: an Elysian. Hierro, died, when he reached the limit of his fail-safe timer which happened to trigger upon coming in contact with a violent scenario - having spent years of his life using medical means and other tech base blockers to suppress his "programming" Hierro was pushed over the edge and fell victim to an old fail-safe built onto him encase he ever went rogue. It overloaded his Core: Heart, and fried his Nueropath implants - Caleb Carpenter delivered the final blow along with his friends. # of Previous Clones: None: this is his first death in 3+ years, never died up till now Member Vouch: Diana, Silver, Park: Not sure how this works Character Sheet: None Cloning Method: Simple cloning method: Hierro, given that his brain scans and everything which made him who or what he is - is kept by a computer system: Is being cloned by that very same system. augments and all that jazz, I can get more details from Diana if need be. At best it's a hospital where he's at. Skills: House Dad, Baker, robotics engineer of artificial intelligence, Hunter. Extrabit: this is my first ever cloning app lol, if I did it wrong please correct me.
I was not present physically but I vouch that if Mother cannot clone her son herself she will forward all that is needed to a proper care facility.
Sorry this took a bit. Hierro's cloning is going to cause a sort of desynchronization between his biological body and his augments, granting him chronic pain on top of the typical memory loss back to whenever his last brain scan was. In short, his immune system is going to reject the augmentations he has. It won't destroy the augments, but he may have frequent flare-ups of what are similar to moderate to severe allergic reactions, causing the pain and other symptoms. These will include swelling, trouble breathing, itching and more. It will take 3 months of constant treatment in the form of medication and an automated gene-therapy process to fully repair. Treatment will mean he will only suffer from mild symptoms constantly, at most. Skipping a day of treatment will result in moderate symptoms, and skipping even longer will result in severe symptoms. He's going to want to go to a hospital the moment he experiences symptoms obviously. Likely within several hours after he steps out of his cloning pod.