//HAVEN TIMES - Senators fight over Occasist prejudice, Anoloan Protector kills - 'act of vengeance'

Discussion in 'Nexus Net' started by WowGain, Apr 25, 2020.

  1. WowGain

    WowGain Bara King Staff Member Administrator Bronze Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    The Haven Times
    Tensions seem to be rising over stark ideological differences between our duly elected officials and their views regarding the recent controversial upsurge of the highly polarizing Occasist faith and the length to which they believe in offering acceptance to its followers. Once viewed as a minority religion given little attention by most in the Fringe, particularly here in Haven, where a small- yet recently growing- group of devoted followers call the Occasist Temple of Haven their home of worship; their faith has been the focus of much greater attention, and scrutiny by both political pundits and average citizens alike following a sudden uptick in the presence of 'Ruin' masses, once considered to be an isolated tragedy of Earth, now having claimed several worlds, including the newest Haven District of Silentia. Additionally, a cell of outspoken extremists claiming themselves under the Occasist banner has been responsible for a rash of negative attention following multiple incidents of violence that have taken place on Garlen.

    In some ways- the tensions regarding this faith have come to a head within Haven's sociopolitical sphere, following an incident during which Senator David Ward and Senator Abraxas Kane came to violence over an Occasist visitor to the popular 'Winston's' bar, owned by prominent Haven citizen Belle Perry. From a combination of eyewitness testimony, security recordings from Senator Ward himself as part of his assault charges against Senator Kane, and statements from those directly involved, we've pieced together a timeline of the events as follows:
    Late in the evening at around 2:00AM Syndicated Galactic Time- Senator David Ward, Senator Abraxas Kane, and an unnamed follower of the Occasist faith were present at Winston's Bar.
    Shortly after the arrival of this Occasist follower, Senator Ward flung himself out in an sudden, unwarranted outburst of violence directed at the man, attempting to assault him after claiming him to be a 'world-ending racist' that desired 'the genocide of everyone', directly threatening that he would 'kill him'.
    Senator Kane immediately acted to restrain Ward after this, utilizing the physical prowess that he has gained his unseemly reputation among most Havenites with to hold him in place. Following this, the two had a brief scuffle, during which Ward attempted to declare Kane an 'Occasus sympathizer' for his actions, all the while as the follower at the table tried to explain himself as being unaffiliated with the more extremist members of his faith.
    Following this, Ward seemingly manipulated an as of yet unknown form of projection-based technology, claimed by Senator Kane on Hooter to be known as a 'Qarin' to throw a glass at the unarmed man still attempting to explain himself to the present crowd.
    In response to this, Senator Kane then struck Senator Ward in the head, rendering him unconscious on the spot. He was later delivered to the Ren Ikeda Memorial Hospital on Haven by Kane himself, where he was treated for the head trauma that resulted from the blow. After being released from the hospital, Dave then filed charges against Senator Kane with the Haven Guard, which Senator Kane was notably a former Vigilant of before assuming his position as a Senator of Haven.
    Presented below is the unredacted statements we collected from both Senator Abraxas Kane, Senator David Ward, and the Occasist man involved with this incident, who requested that we keep his identity anonymous out of fear of further attempts on his life by those who hold anti-Occasist sentiments. Although we can confirm that our reporters were able to independently verify his identity before speaking with him over the Nexus.

    Bettany Vigil: Thank you! Just give me your best recollection of what all occurred. Names, faces, whatever comes to mind!

    Kane: Well, I had been in Garlen at the time, conversing with another Doomlord amongst [sic] a few others. Banter, regaling of tales, a general 'nice' time. Eventually a man came in, dressed in purple clothes and bearing Occasus markings. Despite this, he did nothing aside from join the group and converse with us, and contributed to the niceties.

    Kane: If he was a fanatic honoring the 'house' rules of Garlen being a neutral zone or just a member of that religion, I am unsure. It's known that I do not support the religion, and will defend myself and others from the more fanatical members, but, I will not assault just anyone if they are a part of that religion. The stranger was kind enough, on first meeting. Eventually Dave shows up, calm at first, but upon seeing the regalia the man wore, Dave tried to assault him.

    Kane: I moved to stop him, and after giving several verbal warnings, and restraining him, he continued and I struck him lightly. At the time, I did not know he had brain surgery done, so that fault is not mine for him going to the hospital. I understand what I did and I felt it was justified for his rash and unneeded behavior. The charges placed against me, while within the bounds of the law, were frankly stupid.

    Bettany Vigil: I see! Can you describe further the extent to which Senator Ward lashed out at this man?

    Kane: If I am to punished for helping for all accounts an innocent man, based on the current information I know, David should also suffer consequence for acting out and not even resting after an operation on his person. If the man had decided to fight back, David could have been dead.

    Kane: ...David charged the man, threatening to kill him. The reason for this was more than likely because of his personal bias and the actions of the fanatics. They have done much to help the more reasonable people's reputation. The man avoided david [sic] handily, however, I did not wish to see any harm be done to either. I picked up david [sic] harmlessly off the ground after falling and held him up, keeping him from doing more. Eventually he summoned his Qarin and tried to attack him again by throwing a glass at the man. The glass missed and struck two behind, thankfully they were unharmed.

    Kane: I struck him soon after because I wanted to break his focus, not deal brain damage.

    Bettany Vigil: Just tell us what happened and why the best you can!

    Ward: ok

    Ward: i was argueing [sic] with a ocasus [sic] guy and i tride [sic] to runat [sic] him and jab with my elbow and kane pickd [sic] me up , i tride [sic] to throw a glass at the guy so kane [sic] hit me in the head as hard as he could

    Ward: im [sic] recover from brain tumor surgery my skull is al [sic] stapled he knew this be fore [sic] he hit me

    Ward: i woke up in hospital and im conncussed [sic] right now he made it worse and im lucky i did not bleed into my skull and die

    Bettany Vigil: As hard as he could? He's got a doomlord chassis, doesn't he?

    Ward: he does maybe not as hard as he cold [sic] as hard as a human with metal fist could hit maybe

    Bettany Vigil: Well, either way, I'm very sorry that this has happened! I hope you'll be back on the road to recovery soon!

    Ward: thanks bro havea [sic] good night

    [REDACTED]: Hey this is the Haven times right?

    Bettany Vigil: That's correct!

    [REDACTED]: I'm the fella Dave Ward attacked yesterday. Just wanted to clear some things up

    Bettany Vigil: Can you describe to me what happened that day?

    [REDACTED]: Was going for a socialise and to pick up some alcohol and food from Winston's, was having a friendly discussion with some folks about some glitch courts or something. Someone pointed out the emblem on my shoulder as Dave was walking in and I tried to explain I'm not what he calls a "racist genocide supporter" but he tried to damn strangle me. Obviously I'm a bit faster than the scrawny fella so I moved outta the way and that Doomlord Senator kept telling me to take off my helmet and explain I wasn't with those Yahoos up in the Astral range. Seems like a case of folks making assumptions based on appearance or stereotypes. Don't hold it against him with some of the stuff folks do but wasn't appreciated.

    Bettany Vigil: Oh my! Some reports claim that he threw something at you utilizing some sort of remotely controlled projection. Is that correct?

    [REDACTED]: Uhh yeah, looked like it had an old school radio for a face.

    Bettany Vigil: Do you know what sort of thing this was? People on hooter were talking about it as if he was controlling a 'ghost'.

    [REDACTED]: Nope!! Just appeared outta nowhere and then it threw a glass bottle at me.

    After speaking with this man, our reporter was able to get answers for several more questions about the nature of his faith, its origins within his life, and his general past with Occasism. The unredacted interview shall be provided below for your viewing:

    Bettany Vigil: don't want to provoke any line of questioning that might make you uncomfortable, but could I ask you a bit more about your affiliation with the Occasist faith?

    [REDACTED]: Not part of any church on Haven and the folks there wouldn't consider me "orthodox", if that's what you're asking.
    [REDACTED]: Believe in a lot of things about it and disagree with others, like any fella.

    Bettany Vigil: Of course, of course! I, and our readership, are just curious about those that follow the faith, especially those that separate themselves from the recent upsurge of this extremist cell. If you're okay answering, what ended up drawing you to your current faith?

    [REDACTED]: I want to see positive change in myself and the world- and I don't trust current government, or any government to enact it.
    [REDACTED]: Not exactly a fan of the big fella eating everyone, hell I hope folks blow it up. But I see that you can't have new growth without destruction of the old.

    [REDACTED]: Anything else you need?

    Bettany Vigil: Just a few more small things, if you're up to it!

    [REDACTED]: Sure pal, what's up?

    Bettany Vigil: About how long ago were you introduced to the faith?

    [REDACTED]: Maybe 10-15 years ago, while I was serving in the militia.

    Bettany Vigil: Would you be okay with disclosing where this was, and what militia you were serving in?

    [REDACTED]: Just one of the far out colonies- I was a medic and one of the hostile fellas I was treating was part of the faith.
    [REDACTED]: Dont really wanna let folks in on where exactly I was or who I was serving under- based on how folks treat me I wouldn't want that on them.

    Bettany Vigil: Of course, of course! Totally understandable.

    [REDACTED]: Any other small tidbits y'all need?

    Bettany Vigil: I think that should be good, thank you though! This was all very helpful.

    [REDACTED]: No problem sir, just ask if you need anything else.

    Bettany Vigil: Thank you again for your time! I hope you have a lovely evening.

    Bulphrog, PrivateNomad and Yz2 like this.
  2. WowGain

    WowGain Bara King Staff Member Administrator Bronze Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    //Linked directly to the prior article is another that covers the recent incident in the Capital District where former Anoloan Protector of the Haven Guard, Masina Ho'okoe has been accused of murdering an unarmed civilian//

    The Haven Times
    The 11th of April began on Haven as a day just like any other for the fair citizens of the Capital District and those visiting the popular Silver Pointe Shopping District. Shoppers native and foreign alike could never have known that today would be the day that tragedy would strike, marring the face of the Haven Guard with even more controversy.
    According to multiple eyewitness reports and the indictment pressed by the Office of the Attorney General- Off-Duty Protector and member of the Haven Guard, Masina Ho'okoe came into contact with an unarmed man who's identity is currently anonymous. This man allegedly then moved to strike her in the abdomen (photographic evidence will be released by the Guard for public viewing once the trial officially begins and a jury has been selected), then fled on foot. Ms. Ho'okoe then pursued the man to a smaller side street, where she then shot him at a point-blank range, instantly killing him and wounding a nearby woman as the bullet exited through the back of the man's skull and grazed her arm.
    (photographic evidence will be released by the Guard for public viewing once the trial officially begins and a jury has been selected).

    Immediately, the public, and our journalists, found ourselves asking, why? Why would a respectable member of the Guard who has, up until this point, served without incident, suddenly turn to the role of a street vigilantist? It just doesn't add up. I spoke with the accused member of the Guard, currently suspended without pay, who granted me a private interview. Although she is currently sealed under court order over most details involving the case, she was able to provide me with this brief interview.

    Bettany Vigil: Hey there, Are you Masina Ho'okoe?

    Ho'okoe: yea

    Bettany Vigil: Hi! I'm a reporter with the Haven Times. Would you be up to answering some questions?

    Ho'okoe: maybe

    Bettany Vigil: I was wondering if I could talk to you about what happened on the 11th in the Capital District.

    Ho'okoe: sure, alright

    Bettany Vigil: So, as thoroughly as you can, please describe to me the events that occurred that day. I understand that you are likely under a gag order for many of the details of this case, seeing as it is still in the Courts.

    Ho'okoe: I was assaulted by my stalker and abuser, and after he did that I finally retaliated. The events following it are a bit hazy now. I apologize that I can't give many details.

    Bettany Vigil: Thank you, Masina! I appreciate your willingness to answer my question as best as you can.

    Ho'okoe: any other questions?

    Bettany Vigil: A couple, but those might be better served for after your trial when you are no longer restricted by a gag order- if you'd be willing to come in for an interview.

    Ho'okoe: sure.

    Although we knew we would be coming away from this with far more questions than answers, we suppose we couldn't have ever expected a case as bizarre as this.
    As soon as the trial, set to take place this weekend occurs, the Times will be conducting our follow up interview Ms. Ho'okoe, so please stay tuned for more.

    Bulphrog, majo, Ryanatorx and 3 others like this.