Wearable Gravitic Support Harness- "Geshsuit"

Discussion in 'Approved' started by Cheffy, Feb 19, 2021.

  1. Cheffy

    Cheffy La Creatura Bronze Donator

    Nov 23, 2018
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    Name: Gravitic Support Harness, G.S.H, ‘Gesh’, ‘Geshsuit’.

    The Gravitic Support Harness- or Gesh, is a cold metal harness with cushions on the inside for user comfort. On the back or chest (buyer’s preference), are either several smaller gravitic plates, or one large one. It may be integrated into armor, but does not allow a Dash or Lynx harness to be worn with it.


    • Allows the wearer to raise or lower gravity to a limited degree for themselves.

    • The G.S.H cannot raise or lower a wearer’s gravity beyond a maximum of either a .5 increase or a .5 decrease.
    • A Geshsuit has a maximum weight capacity of 250kg.
    • You cannot wear a Geshsuit alongside either a Dash Tech, or a Lynx.

    Conditional Limitations:

    • The G.S.H can only run for eight hours before requiring recharging, which takes a full hour to be recharged to maximum capacity.
    • If struck by an EMP, the G.S.H will be deactivated for three turns, and then require a recalibration.
    • Must be calibrated manually for each environment. There is no ‘one size fits all’ setting. What works for planets with high gravity, Earth, may not work for planets with low gravity, Heon. This takes ten minutes, along with knowing the gravity of the area you are calibrating for.

    How does it work:
    Attached to the harness are either a network of small gravitic plates, or one larger one that projects a field of heightened or lower gravity around the wearer. Combined with rechargeable chemical batteries for power.

    Flavor text:
    Developed in the early colonization period by the Hylotl, the G.S.H was made to assist Hylotion colonists survive on planets with gravity differing from their homeworld. However in more modern times it has begun to see use in civilian and medical sectors as well- for tourism, therapy, and intrepid Fringe explorers.

    Standard Geshsuits cost around 8,000▣, while devices made for therapy- which have a maximum increase and decrease of .2, are available for 4,000▣.

    Referenced Technologies: https://lore.galactic-citizen.com/en/technology/transportation/spacecraft/gravity


    Tags: [Civilian]

    Category: Wearable
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2021
    Exon and Teldrassil like this.
  2. Khaos

    Khaos Purple Man Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    First pass!
  3. zirconzz

    zirconzz da guy Staff Member Community Monitor Gold Donator

    Dec 17, 2017
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    Second pass!