
Discussion in 'Character Information' started by Caucasian Asian, Dec 29, 2020.

  1. Caucasian Asian

    Caucasian Asian p̵̈́̾̀͂̈́́̆̆̋͐́́̀̇͗́̍͝ Ex-Staff Impervium Donator

    Jun 28, 2017
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    General Information

    Gideon is a 6'0", clean shaven young guy. He has dirty blond, messily swept-back hair, emerald green eyes, and an athletic build. You'll almost always find him wearing a weathered, old bomber jacket with a multitude of patches, jeans, a tank top, and running shoes. Without the jacket, he almost always wears a tank top that shows off the angel wing tattoo on his right shoulder. Jacket or no, you can always see the tattoo of a shepherd's stick underneath his right wrist.

    To defend himself, he typically wears a scaled ceramic kevlar vest. When he's not carrying around Shepard's gun, a .50 Desert Eagle, he carries around a simple 10mm FutureGlock(TM). He always carries EMP grenades in the case that things escalate with something like a Killbot or a Doomlord. For aesthetic, he'll carry a baseball bat around when he goes some places.

    Personality: He typically acts suave and a bit mischievous. He likes fucking with people, but he also likes hitting on ladies... unless they practically ask to be fucked with. His fuse is a bit shorter than others, but he doesn't outwardly express his anger through violence most of the time. Rather, he'll pick at them until he pisses them off further. When there is something he's passionate about, though, he'll put forth his best effort and LOTS of time and money.

    Political Ideology: He doesn't give a shit about politics, really.


    Twenty four years ago, a sweet little baby named Gideon was born to a Catholic family in Civspace. Growing up, he had an affinity for sports like baseball and soccer, but baseball had always been the one he favored. He made good grades in his very early years of school, but he grew out of that midway through middle school. He began to realize that the ideals of Catholicism weren't his thing. His parents persisted, and they continued forcing him to do things for the church. He had no choice but to agree. His grades began to fall, and his rebellious phase had finally begun. He started sneaking out late at night to drink with his friends, he got into fights at school, and his parents only scolded him more and more for it. They made him repent in church by volunteering him for activities and praying. Despite all of this, he found a job at a mechanic shop that worked on small-time hovercars and hoverbikes to work at. He learned quite a bit during his time there, although it wasn't much time that he had between church, school, and sports. Finally, at 17, he'd had enough. After a large fight with his parents, he stole their ship and flew out into the Fringe.

    Once he was in the Fringe, he was lost, wandering the various plants in search of some work or a place to stay. He had no money to his name and nowhere to call home now.

    After a week of being in the Fringe, scared and confused, he was approached by a man that offered him the job of a lifetime. It was Shepard Riley. At the time, he was a drug lord that needed some extra hands. Gideon knew his way around a hovercar, but had no knowledge of how to use a gun. He didn't even have the bare minimum amount of skills required to live in the Fringe. After years of being at Shepard's side, he grew very fond of the man and even looked up to him, but at 21, Shepard forced Gideon out of his life in an attempt to save him from getting drawn into the Fringe life. Sadly, Gideon was already too far in. He'd gotten a taste of the action and money involved.

    Gideon went back to Civspace, living on his own, with a jumpstart from the money Shep gave him, as a stock broker. He was trying to keep his money up, but it wasn't working. He got bored--very bored, but he had no reason to go back to the Fringe... until he got news of Shepard's death. The name Rose Avalice is forever embedded into his mind. The face he saw in the video just before she was killed was always going to scar him. Her face. After a fit of rage, he packed his things and went back to the Fringe to hunt down and kill Rose. That's where his story in the Fringe started once more.

    Last edited: Dec 30, 2020
    Pinkbat5, SilverGallium and Cheffy like this.
  2. crumchy

    crumchy pet food taster Silver Donator

    Jan 23, 2019
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    hes also gay as hell
    necrovixen and Caucasian Asian like this.
  3. SilverGallium

    SilverGallium No-Bark Noonan Impervium Donator

    Jun 27, 2017
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    Well-written, and - at least in my case - very educational.
    Pinkbat5 and Caucasian Asian like this.