= FRINGE SYNDICATE COALITION = ========================== (( guild page and codex the discord and stuff is down below )) = THE COALITION =The Fringe Syndicate Coalition is a nation that holds roots in the long-dead USSS, having since denounced the Union's practices and ideologies. The FSC seeks to embody all that symbolises the Fringe as a whole, while providing security for it's people. Opposed to dictators and despots alike, they seek to protect the sovereignty of the Fringe, as a free frontier of opportunity. With minimal government intervention other than security and military, the economy itself is handled by the people, through the use of workers' syndicates. This leads to a "Minarchist†state, with little in the way of laws, besides those that secure the well-being and survival of the Coalition's people on a physical level. = HISTORY =Taking its roots in the remnants of the Union of Soviet Socialist Systems, the FSC started as a group of remnants and refugees of the remains of New Moscow. After an attempt to establish a new Union in the Fringe, and the assassination of Premier Ulyana, Premier Novosi, Director Romanova, Commissar Alla, and General Lukashenko formed the council of four that would later lead the Coalition. With Raisa as Director, Katya as Commissioner, and Alla as President, the Coalition would denounce the Union's previous ideals and government, moving on to become a nation under minimal state control, with an emphasis on individual rights, and protection of the sovereignty of the Fringe as a whole. Shortly after, the Coalition would ally itself with the Republic of Schelor- A relationship that many would consider hypocritical, given The All-Seeing Eye's autocratic rule over the republic. The Coalition would soon after absorb several Hylotl colonies and outposts, leading to the large Hylotl population within the nation. Within their numbers, two particular Hylotl stand out. Amari Xiao, and Kaede Severt, of the Xiao-Severt Construction and Logistics Syndicate, often shortened simply to Xiao-Severt Syn. Together, the Syndicate itself would be responsible for the construction of the Xiao-Severt outpost on Schelor, which is currently under construction, in regards to establishing a colony city at it's location. All that currently stands is a small, yet dense district, where a large portion of the Hylotl population currently reside. A picture of Xiao-Severt DISTRICT-A, a dense district where many personal businesses flourish. = GOVERNMENT AND ECONOMY = As previously stated, the Coalition functions as a state with minimal involvement, short of security and military. With no involvement in the economy, the economics of the nation is controlled and managed by several workers' syndicates, acting as sort of labor unions, on a massive scale. Examples include the previously mentioned Xiao-Severt Construction and Logistic Syndicate, or the Gavrilov Arms Syndicate, which supplies the FSCAF with firearms and weaponry. The President serves as the head governmental figure, with the leaders and representatives of each syndicate forming the rest of the government, in a sort of senate, or congress. Personal business endeavors however, are allowed outside of these syndicates. = THE PZC-76G SYSTEM = The PZC-76G System is the system that the Coalition calls home. Having colonized the central planet's moon as the site of the colony Fond Najezdy, they have moved on to construct the Xiao-Severt Outpost on Schelor's land, under permission from its ally, the Republic of Schelor. Blue Giant III Schelor (Massive desert world with anti-ship defences scattering its surface.) II ??? (Small snowy moon.) = FRINGE SYNDICATE COALITION ARMED FORCES = (( LEADER - CLICKY )) The FSCAF is the national army of the Coalition. Under direct command of the Director, our numbers march victoriously, protecting those who cannot protect themselves, securing the Fringe's future. = RANKS =PRIVATEPRIVATE FIRST CLASSLANCE CORPORALCORPORALJUNIOR SERGEANTSERGEANTSTAFF SERGEANTMASTER SERGEANTFIRST SERGEANTJUNIOR OFFICERJUNIOR LIEUTENANTLIEUTENANTCAPTAINMAJORCOLONELGENERAL DIRECTOR = MEDICAL DIVISION =MEDICAL TECHNICIAN (PRIVATE)ASSISTANT SURGEON (CORPORAL)JUNIOR SURGEON (SERGEANT)SURGEON (LIEUTENANT)SURGEON MAJOR (MAJOR)SURGEON GENERAL (GENERAL) = CIVILIAN OCCUPATIONS =( not ranks lol )ENGINEERMECHANICCULINARYSANITATIONAGRICULTURE = COALITION SPECIAL TASK FORCES = (( LEADER - GREG PETERS ))The CSTF is the elite of the army, the best of the best reside here. Following the instructions of our commanding general, it's victory or death. Our ranks are based sheerly on dedication and skill. = RANKS =PRIVATEPRIVATE FIRST CLASSLANCE CORPORALCORPORALJUNIOR SERGEANTSERGEANTSTAFF SERGEANTMASTER SERGEANTFIRST SERGEANT[size=medium]JUNIOR OFFICER[/size] JUNIOR LIEUTENANTLIEUTENANTCAPTAINMAJORCOLONELGENERAL = CORE DIVISION FOR SECURITY AND INTELLIGENCE = (( LEADER - PARTISAN ))The FSC'S leading police and intelligence agency. We specialise in espionage, surveillance and protection of our nation. With the guidance of our benevolent Commissioner, we shall prosper a safe haven for our people. = RANKS =OPERATOR SERGEANT OFFICER COMMISSIONER = EQUIPMENT = The Coalition offers the cutting edge in military and security technology, all at the utilization of those who choose to enlist. ARMOR .1 - SCOUT ARMOR: Coalition standard issue light armor, able to withstand a fair amount of pistol-caliber rounds to the chest. .2 - STANDARD ARMOR: Coalition standard issue combat armor, able to withstand rifle-caliber rounds, to the chest and back. .3 - SHOCK ARMOR: Coalition standard issue heavy combat armor, fit with mobility and strength enhancing exosuit. .4 - BASTION ARMOR: Coalition exclusive heavy power armor, fit with deployable plasma shielding around vital areas. Cannot be transported by conventional teleporter. .5 - CTSF COMBAT ARMOR: Coalition Special Task Force issued combat armor, slightly lightweight compared to normal combat armor. .6 - CTSF SHOCK ARMOR: Coalition Special Task Force issued shock armor. Lighter than it's counterpart, but still fit with exoskeleton. .7 - CDSI UNIFORM: Armor and uniform of the Central Division of Security and Intelligence. Equivalent to Scout Armor. WEAPONS .1 - SQUAD AUTOMATIC RIFLE: A heavy-duty automatic rifle fit for support roles. .2 - ASSAULT RIFLE: Standard issue automatic rifle. .3 - ASSAULT CARBINE: A cut-down, lighter variant of the assault rifle. .4 - SUPPRESSED CARBINE: An integrally suppressed carbine issued to CDSI and CSTF personnel. .5 - PERSONAL DEFENSE WEAPON: A compact, automatic pistol with an extendable stock. .6 - PISTOL: A compact handgun. .7 - SUPPRESSED PISTOL: A suppressed variant of the standard pistol, issued to CSTF personnel. .8 - CYCLER PISTOL: A large energy handgun that fires high-power lasers. .9 - LASER RIFLE: Standard issue energy rifle, firing low-power laser projectiles in quick succession. .10 - BEAM RIFLE: Laser 'sniper rifle' that fires precision, concentrated laser projectiles. Fitted with high-magnification scope. .11 - SHOTGUN: Standard shotgun, firing in both semi-auto and pump-action depending on preference. .12 - ENERGY SABER: Special purpose melee weapon fit for armored targets. .13 - VIBROBLADE: A standard sword, with a blade vibrating at high frequency for enhanced cutting power. .14 - MISSILE LAUNCHER: Portable explosive munitions launcher, for anti-materiel, and anti-personnel function. = APPLICATION =To join the Coalition in its goal of safeguarding the Fringe from those who wish to seize it, and it's people's freedom, refer to the application below. Name: Age: Sex: Species: Skills & Occupation:Desired Division: Experience in non-Coalition Employment: (( all application is to be done on discord etc https://discord.gg/pA6HgPV )) (( OOC ROSTER )) Director Raisa Novosi - Clicky President Alla - SkidCommissioner Katya Romanova - Partisan General Sasha Lukashenko - Greg Peters Surgeon General Anka Romanova - AerieJr. Lieutenant Kristina Smirnov - Pinkbat5Junior Officer Mikhail Bilanov - Marshmallower Staff Sergeant Ukiani - Robotic Potato Sergeant Rashid Efremov - Gun Private Akio Deadlock - Silent Akio Sergeant Alexsandr Senaviev - Skulldoh Private Anatoli Maximilian - Puglife43vr Private Jay Osprey - Puglife43vr Private Clama - GodDinoGodKillGodManKill Secretary Summer - SomeTemplar
// Reply // Newbie pointer; Dont put Syndicate, or Coalition in your name. It makes you sound like stereotypical villains. Doesent really attract the best crowd.
// USER aXIAO REPLIES // A 'Syndicate' is a large worker's union. If you wish to continue treating life like an escapist fantasy, be my guest. // END //