%forum_nick% for admin

Discussion in 'Staff Applications' started by %forum_nick%, Oct 13, 2023.

  1. %forum_nick%

    %forum_nick% New Arrival

    Sep 29, 2023
    Likes Received:
    Forum name: %forum_nick%


    Country/Timezone: CST

    Why do you want to be Staff?: To turn everybody in the server into my little factory workers/oppressed subjects!

    What skills can you bring to the staff team?: Subjugation, evil, hatred, and perhaps even a little fascism!

    What area(s) would you be most interested in helping assist with (if you have more than one preference, list in order of highest preference to lowest)?": I would like to be the headmost admin, so that I can freely reign without contest!

    Have you had prior experience moderating/staffing an online community?: Yes!

    If so, where? What were your responsibilities?: Being the evil dictator of the entire community!

    As staff, it is crucial to be visible to the public; on the Forums, through the Discord, and on the Server. Though it is not mandatory to be on these three all the time, do you agree to be as active as possible through these means?: Yes, if it benefits me and me alone!

    For better interaction with our users on the Galaxy Citizen Discord server and to take full part in any voice meetings we may have in the Staff Discord, it is recommended that you use a good microphone. Do you possess a microphone (If you do not have a microphone, it will NOT affect your chances for being on Staff)?: Yes! I possess all microphones ever made in existence!

    What do you like about this community?: Nothing because I am not at the top!

    What areas would you like to receive help in should you become staff?: None because I am the best at everything!

    What are your weaknesses?: None because weakness does not befit an evil dictator-figure like myself!

    Galaxy Citizen Character name(s): %forum_nick%