
Discussion in 'Approved' started by 9K, May 21, 2022.

  1. 9K

    9K Galactic Officer Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 27, 2017
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    Name: Face-Scraper, an abomination to nature, the worst thing ever.

    Description: An Eye-Eater but way worse. These are slightly larger than your average Eye-Eater, coming in at anywhere from 90 to 110 lbs compared to an Eye-Eater's 70 or so. Their mouths have been repurposed from a tube-like structure with small teeth to a large, bag-clip shaped jaw positioned vertically, with sharp, hooked teeth that have evolved to embed themselves behind the cheekbones of their victims in order to clamp shut and rip their face off in the process. This strange jaw is attached to a shorter but wider tube that applies suction in order to quickly consume the scraped off face after they are done. Also, they have long porcupine-like quills on their backs now.

    Behavior: Typically, the first thing a Face-Scraper will do when it sees something with a face while it is hungry is to charge at it and leap for them using its hind legs after getting a good running start. They will use their weight to pin down their current target and then use their strange mouths to rip off their face. They are far more aggressive than Eye-Eaters.

    Tamability: Less tamable than an Eye-Eater, which is to say not very tamable at all. If something has a face, they'll want to tear it off.

    Where is it found?: Haven, now. This is a result of Eye-Eaters drinking Vampyr FEV-infested water in Rendera, mutating them into these abominations thusly.

    Rarity: Not common. Yet. Currently isolated to Haven.

    Diet/Method of gaining nutrients and energy: Carnivorous. They rip off peoples' faces and eat them.

    Products?: A lot of pain, and a non-zero percent chance of death. You should probably also get checked for the FEV after one tries to maul you.

    Reproduction: Sexual, or a Haven Eye-Eater getting infected with Vampyr FEV.

    Size: Slightly bigger than an Eye-Eater. About the size of a large dog.

    Weight: 90-110 lbs.

    Lifespan: 20 years.

    Abilities: They're an Eye-Eater but way worse. They're capable of quickly and efficiently ripping off most organic species' entire face by scraping it off with their strange jaws. They're also a bit harder to kill up close on account of now being armed with quills on their backs. They're capable of scratching with their claws, however these are much more suited for grasping.

    Flaws: Still don't frequently kill their victims, but are far more capable of doing so than Eye-Eaters through bloodloss after they are done badly maiming their current source of food. Like Eye-Eaters, they are still quite single-minded, and dumb. They're also much easier to tell apart from an animal that doesn't want to maul you now.
    Last edited: May 21, 2022
    Ryanatorx, Teldrassil and Cheffy like this.
  2. Skid

    Skid God Incarnate Staff Member Community Monitor Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    One question.

    How do these godless abominations respond to posters, statues, and other non-living recreations of faces? Are they generally smart enough to discern if they are real?
    Ryanatorx likes this.
  3. 9K

    9K Galactic Officer Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 27, 2017
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    Generally they're not smart. All they have going for them is 3d spatial awareness and the ability to tell if something is living by if it is moving or not. This means it won't normally attack statues or posters, however, standing perfectly still may prevent one from seeing you as a target. This though, is obviously a risk in and of itself, and a risk best taken only from a far distance away.
    D&K likes this.
  4. Skid

    Skid God Incarnate Staff Member Community Monitor Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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