| Endymion Reinna Klein |

Discussion in 'Character Information' started by Endiie, Jun 1, 2020.

  1. Endiie

    Endiie Galactic Commoner Diamond Donator

    Jun 30, 2017
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    Endymion Reinna Klein, Widely known as Endy or Captain Klein, was born on July 12, 3257 Died September 8, 3287. Endy was a human female who was typically either on the run or trying to form a posse. Usually refered to herself as a captain whether or not she had a crew. Endy had worked for the Atlas empire as a pilot. A member of house Luo, and a Pirate crew captain for Fausta. She is survived by Stabbicus Grimver Klein of Calypso.

    Skills: Shooting guns, taking names, Epic Sex
    Personality: Reckless, excitable, Likes to lie to seem cool
    Likes: Fire, guns, cats, Archer
    Dislikes: Sea food, authority, epipens
    Physical Description: She stands at 5’2” and her natural hair color is an unnatural cherry red due to gene modding. It flows down her back in wavy curls and is surprisingly well kept. Her eyes are an icy blue that seem sad all of the time, her skin sporting an intense amount of knife and gunshot scars. She almost always has a bruise or fresh cut somewhere due to her reckless nature. One thing that never changes about her is the tattoo around her neck and throat. Which says, 'Nec possum tecum vivere, nec sine te = I can live neither with you, nor without you' . Where she got from a purple someone who made a big impact in her life.

    Gear and Augments used: Left Horizon Jack leg, Average ballistic pistol, Smart watch, and Phone.


    Personality type: ISTP
    Political Ideology: Endy is big on social interaction in public spaces, usually coming off as a happy go lucky or carefree. She tends to get along with people well as long as they keep their distance and guns holstered. She's quick to forgive people as long as they're tolerable to her.
    A lot is unknown about her birth, but what is known is that she was raised by a hylotl family by an ocean on the planet [UNAVAILABLE] until the age of 16. Where then, it was her and her brother off to civilian space. Her brother grew distant from her and blamed her for their parent’s death so she went off on her own. Ending up in a more hostile space after college where she met a man named Enreth. She ended up contracting with him and forming her own Pirate Crew, which fell shortly after, resulting in her service with ATLAS. Her boyfriend at the time committed Suicide, which sent her on a downwards spiral. Where Dylan Spetzer and Archer seemed to yoink her off of. It was decent for some time, working her way up the ATLAS DEFENSE FORCE ranks and hitting it off with Archer. Nothing in the Universe could ruin this kind of high until- It all broke down as all things do. She had gotten into too much heat with the ICIF and experienced a sudden breakup. Making her pack up and run. Gone for two years and now back suddenly. Let’s hope she’s not bringing trouble with her.

    Last edited: Dec 4, 2020
    ThatCabbage, Cheffy, Pinkbat5 and 2 others like this.
  2. Endiie

    Endiie Galactic Commoner Diamond Donator

    Jun 30, 2017
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    I, Endymion Reinna Klein, Daughter of Diana, aged 30 years, resident of Calypso station, do hereby revoke all my former wills, brain scans, and testamentary dispositions made by me. I declare this to be my last Will and Testament.

    I maintain good health, and a sound mind. This Will is made by me of my own volition in response to the upcoming War, and a recent death of a friend.

    I appoint my Mother Diana, as the soul Executor of this WILL.

    All of my assets being given away by me are self-acquired properties. Upon my death my Atlas owned gear will be returned and/or wiped. Everything else is divided in between my Son, Stabbicus Grimver Klein, and my Mother, Diana.

    This will be formally executable starting today. 08/29/3287


    1. Stabbicus Grimver Klein
    2. Dianna
    ThatCabbage likes this.
  3. wango

    wango Galactic Commoner

    Oct 22, 2020
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    skills: epic sex

    ThatCabbage and .exe like this.