Name: ENDI decoy probe, also known as scan masks or scan decoys. Description: A small, unassuming cargo hauler pulls up to a security checkpoint. A quick scan reveals the contents of the ship as being nothing but pallets of various consumer goods. The security personnel wave the ship off and grants it landing permission and move onto the next vessel in line. The cargo hauler descends onto a small landing pad off to the side in order to complete its haul of illegal weaponry. Most forms of scanner failsafes ended up just destroying whatever needed to be kept hidden before it could be scanned. The endi decoy probe gets past this limitation by actively inhibiting the return of an endi scanner. Though they definitely have uses in illegal transactions, decoy probes are also very useful in preventing prying eyes from understanding the inner workings of classified tech or to keep the interiors of a ship unknown to potential boarding parties. Abilities: Decoy: Decoy probes can directly inhibit inbound electron neutrino beams, either completely blocking scans from breaking through or wrapping false images around very real objects. Conditional Abilities: Hard to spot: Most decoy probes are very difficult to spot, provided their effect isn’t obvious. Ones made to falsify the contents of a container may not even be found until a thorough search of a containers walls is conducted. Limitations: Limited falsification: Because decoy probes only prevent endi scanners from gaining visual images of objects, the anomalous mass properties of EN modules and unique energy signature of EtM devices can still be detected by their respective measuring devices. Scrutiny: Slow, detailed ENDI scanners can partially see through decoy probes, returning a distorted image which may warrant a search of a vessels cargo hold. Size constraint: The projected image of a decoy probe must always be larger than whatever it is masking because it cannot falsify the lack of matter. How does it work?: ENDI decoy probes work by wrapping a room, box or other container that would be scanned in a grid of neutrino beam projectors and sensors. As soon as the sensors notice incoming neutrino beams the grid of the decoy probe begins projecting its own beams of neutrinos, causing intersections where there shouldn’t be any in order to confuse the ENDI scanner. Most scanners read these intersections as legitimate and end up painting a false image of whatever is stored within the container. The decoy probes false images however fail to hold up to scrutiny and can only deceive cheaper, faster ENDI scanners designed to give at most a detailed overview of a containers contents. A more thorough scanner, although failing to see what the real object contained within is, will return with a glitched, distorted image depicting nothing in particular other than a shapeless mass of intersections. If the decoy probe was poorly constructed or of low quality a detailed ENDI scanner could see right through the decoy probe, completely disregarding the false intersections. Flavour text: ENDI decoy probes were the natural response to the introduction of detailed ENDI scanners. Initially made with a military purpose in mind, many navy ships have their rooms lined in decoy probe grids in order to prevent hostile vessels from scanning their layouts. The technology was later adapted as large technology conglomerates bought the tech to protect their valuable prototypes from prying eyes, whereby the technology later befell smugglers and pirates. Attainability: (Open) Tags: [Industrial] Category: Other
Sorry about the big delay. Plays off a similar concept that's been used in the past of ENDI interference by using higher-powered outputs to falsify signals, which has always in my opinion been a far more creative means of playing around ENDI limitations than simply trying to make an ENDI-proof material to line boxes with contraband in them lazily. Initial pass. Awaiting seconding. @TrIpTiCuS