Catia's HYPERblog

Discussion in 'Diaries & Captain's Logs' started by PrivateNomad, Mar 22, 2021.

  1. PrivateNomad

    PrivateNomad There goes my hero, watch him as he goes Staff Member Technician Gold Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    Hello! My name is Catia. I work at the Gaia University as a professor of literature, and am head of the Interdimensional Cultural Exchange project! This blog will detail my adventures through hyperspace and my interactions with the rich culture of the Visitant species and other hyperspatial species.

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    Hooter: @CattyGuan
    Ryanatorx, Khaos, Pinkbat5 and 2 others like this.
  2. PrivateNomad

    PrivateNomad There goes my hero, watch him as he goes Staff Member Technician Gold Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    ◁ HOPE ▷
    Post #1 - March 22nd, 3288
    When I entered my proxy, I found myself in a strange city I had never seen before. My proxy was made by Rounding Watcher, a proxy artist I met with in Vedoxis. They had designed my proxy and had it delivered to Hope, a city on the border regions of Visitant space. I had heard some things about Hope when speaking with some thetas (people that had undergone a procedure that turned them into a visitant). I don't think any amount of hearing about it would have prepared me for seeing it in person.

    ((Art by Pinkbat))
    [A set of images were posted, a little warped from translation. Dark grey skyscrapers reach up into darker air. Artificial lights in shades of violet and blue blink around him like swarms of mutated fireflies. In the distance, flying vehicles and little white shapes flit two and fro. There is no up and down here. Buildings twist impossibly onto the walls and ceiling, and pedestrians step from one face to the other like it was nothing. Columns of rock connect the faces, lined on all sides with brightly lit pathways. A shapeless city. Its inhabited vary in size and color; purple is a popular hue, but every colour in the rainbow is here. Most of the pedestrians are smaller and more delicate-looking, adorned with glowing holograms and shimmering fabric.]
    I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the city. The first thing I did was look up, because there were upside down buildings above me! It was such an incredible sight to see, and the best welcome into hyperspace one could possibly ask for. As a city, Hope is suffused with a great deal of realspace culture, as much of its population are thetas, realspace people that have undergone a special procedure to be turned into a visitant.

    The familiar culture was certainly welcome; there were signs in common (though a lot of them weren't too helpful - you can't just call every house HOUSE!). I was surprised to see stores present in Hope, since Visitant don't really have a currency. All of the stores were owned by thetas and traded using pixels, undoubtedly from savings thetafied people brought over when moving to hyperspace, perhaps not knowing they wouldn't need pixels. I didn't have any pixels with me, but they were selling a lot of items you'd see in realspace gift shops. I even saw a Dave Ward mug that a gamma was trying to get.

    For thetas, Hope is a new home in hyperspace. To natural Visitant, it is a popular tourist spot to experience realspace culture and interact with thetas in order to learn about realspace. When I was walking through, I saw the funniest looking people! They didn't seem to mind being photographed.

    [Another warped image is posted of some Funny Fellas walking about.]
    ((Art by Pinkbat))​
    I spoke with someone that was actually a Havenite! Their name was Daniel, they were thetafied around a year ago, and worked as an office worker before they became a theta to find something new in life. It is so interesting talking to theta; all of the ones I met look so happy, and usually have no problems talking to me. When I asked why everyone seemed so happy, Daniel told me his own story (he said I could put this in here): Daniel is a suicide survivor that felt like he couldn't escape a lonely desk job. When he was thetafied, his entire world suddenly changed: he couldn't exactly describe in words what existing in a Channel was like, but it was something like being around a plethora of people like you. Daniel loved how he felt like he belonged to a group of people that cared for him, and now he doesn't have to worry about the stress of working a monotonous office job. Go Daniel! Daniel still goes to Haven sometimes to visit his family, who are all happy for him.

    The last part of my day consisted of going to a Hope movie theater! The Visitants that visit love to watch realspacer movies, and I was surprised to find that Novakid westerns were exceedingly popular at the moment. All the Visitant that I was sitting next to watching the movie absolutely loved the "funny hats" they wore and the "cool accents". I might go again sometime soon.
    Thanks for reading my first post! I'm not sure where I'll go next, but I hope it's as exciting as Hope was! I might just stay here for a few more days, there is so much to experience that you couldn't even get to it all in a single week, let alone a day.
    Teldrassil, Ryanatorx, Khaos and 5 others like this.
  3. PrivateNomad

    PrivateNomad There goes my hero, watch him as he goes Staff Member Technician Gold Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    ◁ i forgot ▷
    ◁ Post #2 - March 22nd, 3288 ▷
    I forgot! This is my proxy. Thanks Rounding Watcher!
    [An image is posted of a tall proxy.]​