Catia de Guanciale

Discussion in 'Character Information' started by PrivateNomad, Apr 13, 2021.

  1. PrivateNomad

    PrivateNomad There goes my hero, watch him as he goes Staff Member Technician Gold Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    Catia de Guanciale

    Six of Swords - Brand New You
    Catia de Guanciale is a 26 year old human woman born in Haven's Rendera district on January 2nd, 3262. She is a citizen of the Haven Federation and she is an avid writer and academic, working at Haven's Gaia University as a professor of literature. Recently, she has taken an interest in the culture of the Visitant; and other species beyond the veil.

    Physical Appearance

    Catia is 5'10" in height and has pale skin. Her hair is dyed to a metallic silver color and she wears violet contact lenses over her natural blue eyes. Her outfits typically feature a color scheme of white and pastel violet.
    Catia is typically timid, preferring to keep to herself until very recently when not in any sort of professional setting. She is very intelligent but often lacks the will or desire to act on her intelligence. She exhibits symptoms of autism, possessing a great deal of anxiety and ineptitude in social situations. She is also highly sensitive and vengeful, refusing to let go of grudges and taking harm done to her extremely negatively, and those she loves she loves very dearly- sometimes to an almost obsessive degree.

    Catia enjoys a variety of different hobbies, the primary of which include reading and writing. She enjoys researching and used to play piano until she stopped due to an intense stage fright. The only forms of athletics she has engaged in is gymnastics.

    Until recently, Catia has had few ambitions, reluctantly accepting her station. Now, she wishes for more; to be famous, to be wealthy, to have a better career. She wants more. She wants to be more.

    Catia was born January 2nd, 3262 as the only daughter between Antonio de Guanciale and Rosita de Guanciale. As the last child born from aging parents, Catia suffered from social developmental issues at a young age due to being socially secluded and separated from the rest of her family because of a large age gap, spending most of her childhood relating only to her closest brother, Giorno. Catia was diagnosed with high-functioning autism at a young age, and she kept herself secluded despite attempts from her older family members to get her to socialize. During her childhood, her parents were largely absent, something she would later come to resent; because of this, her older siblings were left to take care of her.

    Catia would be placed into public schooling when she was 14. Academically she was a savant, maintaining high grades and even learning to play the piano. However, her social life wasn't ideal; she had very few friends in school and her only time socializing was spent whenever she hovered around Giorno's friend groups. She found solace in reading, and in piano, quickly becoming a very talented pianist. Her mother, whom helped her learn the piano, was excited to push Catia to pursue her passion in music, prompting her to begin practicing more in preparation of a recital. The weight of practice and the impending recital took a toll on Catia, who was terrified to perform on stage in front of an entire crowd.

    decisions. why don't they understand?

    When the recital finally came, Catia was 15. Catia would go on stage and find herself frozen in front of the audience. She couldn't begin, and suddenly ran backstage with heavy breaths and a terrified face as she panicked. Her mother quickly went backstage to try and console Catia, but they ended up having an argument over her mother's pressuring of her to perform. The argument ended with Rosita de Guanciale being punched in the face, and Catia vanishing for two days until her sister Mona found her wandering a Renderan mall.

    The attempts of the mother to reenter her daughter's life had been met with resentment, and mother and child once again pulled apart. Catia had grown bitter since the recital, and entered a rebellious phase; wearing purple contacts to change her eye color away from the vibrant blue that were so-often described as her mother's eyes, and dying her hair that was the spitting image of her mother's. This bitterness only grew throughout college; she received her degree and masters very quickly, becoming an associate professor of literature.

    heartbreak. he didn't deserve you anyways.

    In 3287, something unexpected had occurred to the bitter Catia: she fell in love. As she soared over the crowd of Carnevale attendees, a set of vibrant blue eyes peered at her beneath a mysterious purple mask. The fortune teller Caesar had become the object of her affections, and she fell head over heels for him, doing anything to break out of her nervous shell to talk to him to an almost obsessive degree. Her hesitation and reluctance, and the man's apparent disinterest, frustrated her immensely until she learned he had grown to love another woman: an Anoloa named Milani. Catia had grown enraged after learning the fact, sent into a passionate rage where she freaked out and let out her frustrations on Milani, sending her hateful death threats and even burning a dress the anoloa had gifted to her in an attempt to make amends. Everything shattered when Caesar showed disappointment in her actions and cut her off, and her sister Mona's attempts to console her and connect with her only led to further frustrations, until Catia simply moved out of the family's villa, and to the Capital district.

    contemplation. defeat. what do we do?

    Catia lived in her office in the Gaia University for around a month as she settled down from what had happened, soon acquiring an apartment of her own; a first step in independence. She suffered greatly from thrusting herself into living on her own; she had cut off the only social ties she had: to her family, and she didn't know how to take care of herself in an apartment devoid of servants. Catia grew depressed, frustrations and anger settling into a sadness that caused her to seclude herself.

    brand new you. drift away from the past.

    That is, until she met Lesslyn A. L. Stùiricke II. Though they had known each other from Lesslyn simply being a friend of the family's, they had never truly spoken until that fated day. Soon after, Lesslyn announced her intent to support the opponent to her father's political seat of Doge: Maria Criado, at Catia's suggestion; an attempt to enact her resentment of her father for an entire childhood of absence. This event, and some others, caused a schism in the Guanciale family. Shortly afterwards, Catia and Lesslyn began to date, and it seemed like Catia's personality seemed to shift entirely. She was more confident and less bitter about things; unafraid to seek out her ambitions. She was happier.

    clever. we can do anything, no matter what anyone says.


    Lesslyn A. L. Stùiricke II - I love you so much. You're my everything. What would I do without you, my beloved? Together, we can accomplish anything. We will become gods.
    • Giorno de Guanciale - My older brother.. I love him dearly. I worry for him- I feel like he's set down a difficult path. Why do I feel like I'm using him?
    • Giovanni de Guanciale - I'm worried for him. He's changed a lot since he woke up from the coma. Is he the same person? Are any of us the same people we once were? ..Things have changed, and they'll never be the same.
    • Caesar de Guanciale - You always did try to cheer me up. You tried to cheer everybody up. I'm sorry I was such a bitch to you.
    • Mona de Guanciale - My dearest sister. I'm glad you're in my life; I'm sorry for how I've been treating you. I just wish you'd understand why I did what I did.
    • Cirillo de Guanciale - Fuck you. I'll never forgive you for what you did to her, for the pain you put us through, no matter how much you regret it. You're just like padre.
    • Antonio de Guanciale - I never had a father. You were never there. Too busy? An important meeting? All excuses for years of absence. You're desperately gripping onto your position and your work, and I can't wait to see you fail.
    • Rosita de Guanciale - I didn't want to do it. Why did you make me do it? Because you wanted me to be like you? Wanted to relate to your only daughter? I'm not like you. I don't want to be like you.
    • Neri - I'm super glad to have met you. Your energy is contagious, and your support is always appreciated. We need to hang out more. You were also right; I do want to marry her.
    • Sidero Iscariot - Sorry for all the trouble. Thank you for all your help; I hope we can still keep being friends. I want to help you discover who you are.
    • Lee Jackson(?) - I didn't betray you. The agreement was clear. Why do you care who I gave it to, it was mine. You gave it to me. You just hate Lesslyn- why do you have to take it out on me? Do you even realize how much I've done for you and your work? I didn't manipulate you. I didn't.
    • CIRCLEEYE - We're friends, right? I hope so. I had a lot of fun talking to you, and I'm glad you enjoy your job so much.
    • GREENSTAR - You share as much enthusiasm for my culture as I do your's; I'm glad we could cooperate on the project. I'm just worried what the consequences of it might be, if any. What did we get ourselves into?
    • Robin Flynn - You hurt her. You're a pathetic, broken woman with powers beyond your control.
    • Caesar - I don't need you anymore. You never deserved me anyways. What do you even see in her? She's pathetic, she's nothing. I don't need anything from you.
    • Milani - You might've taken him from me, but I'm over that now. Now, I just think you're pathetic. You're weird, and you're an Occasist. I don't know what he saw in you. You're not better than me. And you're probably a terrorist.
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2021