Implemented auto restarts. If there are no players online and three hours have passed since the last restart, the server will automatically restart. This should allow for faster updating of whitelist and should greatly improve server stability by not allowing the server to suffer from Starbound's various memory leaks. Implemented !remind command. The !remind command allows you to subscribe to a daily reminder to vote for the server. If you are subscribed, you will receive a DM every day from the bot reminding you to vote. Reformatted old commands into embeds. Some commands like !help and !voters look prettier now You can suggest bot features or report bugs here
Added staff command: !reset. !reset will restart the bot if there is a problem with one of its functions. This is a hard restart, meaning the process will be killed and a new one will be created.
Added staff command: !removeevent [mm/dd/yyyy]. This command will allow staff members to remove events from the timeline by their date. Added command: !lore [query text]. This command allows you to search the wiki using the bot, listing lore pages that match the given search text.
Improved !addevent functionality to allow community members to use it. All players can now use the !addevent command to add events to our timeline. When you submit an event, it will be automatically forwarded to our staff team to be approved or denied with the click of a button. Eventually, I plan to expand this functionality to allow for users to add items to our fish and fact commands, and even add their own server whitelists. Updated to discord.js v13.1.0. Lets me do neat things with interactions like buttons.