// Blake Esther - The Second? //

Discussion in 'Nexus Net' started by TriReef, Apr 6, 2019.

  1. TriReef

    TriReef treef Staff Member Community Monitor Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    // Almost immediately after word broke out about Blake Esther's obituary, other articles were posted by various users, siting cross referenced images of Blake before and after 3270- Sligt differences in facial features, eye color, hair styling, the like, all conveyed through large, red circles. One user going my the pseudonym 'FashionGal19' argues the following: //

    Look at the little things, guys! Raised CHeekbones! That jawline! Those BROWS!! It's clear that those two Blake Esther's aren't the same, @QUEEN<3 , and if you do, you're out of your mind! But I don't think it's anything illicit, either. In fact, I have a little pet theory of my own! <3 I, for one, think that this Blake is the old, dead Blake's son! Maybe with GP Portia? The little similarities between Dead Blake, New Blake, And Portia, it just makes too much sense! THe Dead Blake must of had a bloated ego's all! And of COURSE they kept it a secret, hun, all good celeb babies and relationships are. You're jumping to that one time people said Atlas was Jewish type allegations, girl. That's just my two cents, anyway.

    // Posts with theories such as this continue throughout the night on various forums, claiming other ludicrous things such as the Blake actually drinking an immortality potion and the like, or that the current relationship between Blake and Diana somehow proves that Blake could do no wrong. Seems the people were abuzz about Blake, just not about the things that really matter. //
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2019
    Khaos, Pinkbat5, WowGain and 2 others like this.