Bestiary Template and Example Application

Discussion in 'Bestiary Applications' started by krowski_nall, Jul 2, 2017.

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  1. krowski_nall

    krowski_nall New Arrival Ex-Staff

    Jun 25, 2017
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    Name: -Self-explanatory: What is the name of your organism? You may include its scientific name if you please. The scientific name is structured genus first, then the specific name to its species as the second. First letter uppercase for genus and first letter lowercase for species name, all italicized. They are usually are named from latin words, Felis meaning fur or thief in latin-
    Example: Cat (Common name) Felis catus (Scientific name).​

    Description: -A detailed description of the organism with optional picture-

    Behavior: -How does this organism instinctively behave? For example, a rabbit stays in its underground tunnel system until it's hungry, and then goes to the surface in search of food. You are encouraged to include a description of their behavior around superior life-forms (humans, apex, etc)-

    Tamability: - How can it be tamed? How well can it be tamed? How do they follow commands? Does it need to be given a bit of a push like herding animals? Is it untamable? The more questions you can answer, the better. If you wish to answer questions not listed here, please do. Information is crucial.

    Where is it found?: -Self-explanatory: Where can someone find it? Tiger to Jungle, Rat to City Alleys, Camel to Desert, Etc.-

    Rarity: -Is it commonly found, like ants? or is it more rare, like a wild feline? Brief explanation.-

    Diet/Method of gaining nutrients and energy: -Is it Herbivore? (Eats only plants. Example: sheep, cow, deer, etc) Carnivore? (Eats only meat. Example: lions, sharks, wolves, etc) Omnivore? (Eats both plants and meat. Example: humans, pigs, bears, etc) Decomposer? (Decomposes organic material for energy. Example: mushrooms, worms, etc) Autotroph? (Self Feeder, creates its own energy, such as photosynthesizers. Example: trees, grass, etc) Lithotroph? (Organisms that eat rock, usually bacteria) or another form of dietary habit/trophic behavior beyond what is listed? Provide a description of how it feeds and, optionally, what does it specifically eat?-

    Products?: -Does the organism produce anything that could be used or consumed by other lifeforms?-
    Example: Cows produce milk, Sheep produce wool, etc.​

    Reproduction: -How does it reproduce? Examples:-
    • Asexual reproduction: The organism creates an exact copy of itself with only itself.
    • Sexual reproduction: Two organisms create a new organism through interactions between each other and has characteristics from both parents and would not be exactly the same as them.
    Provide a small description please. Provide detail about its mate so we can understand properly. Example: A mushroom (asexual) reproduces by sporing and does not need to look for a mate.

    Size: -Minuscule like an insect? Tiny like a mouse? Small like a cat? Average like a dog? Big like a horse? Humongous like a whale? You get the drill.-

    Weight: -Self -explanatory, how much does it weigh?-

    Lifespan: -Self-explanatory, how long does it live?-

    Abilities: -What kind of adaptations does the organism have? Chameleons can change color, Flies have 360 degree vision due to compound eyes, Owls can turn their head nearly 180 degrees, etc.-

    Flaws: -What evolutionary adaptations can be taken advantage of to the chagrin of the organism? A slug sizzles up from salt, Sharks reel back from a punch to the snout, etc.-

    Other: -Anything else not listed that you want to include about your organism.-
    crumchy and Pinkbat5 like this.
  2. krowski_nall

    krowski_nall New Arrival Ex-Staff

    Jun 25, 2017
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    Name: Acid Gull - Larus acidum

    Description: Looks like a smaller more chubbier version of the common earth seagull with slightly shorter but wider wings. It has its iconic 3 red eyes and a black line around its neck in a naturally occurring pattern. They also have yellowy sharp teeth within their beaks when they usually have their mouths open. Their feathers are usually white.
    By: Jin the Blue
    By: Krowski_Nall

    Behavior: The gulls usually hang around in groups of 5 or 7 (Rarely but sometimes in groups of 3) or a single one searching alone in tight spaces, never an even number, and search for scraps of food to eat. They fly in swarms if being threatened and sometimes they have their own fights between each other for food, a mate, etc. Usually angry.

    Tamability: They cannot really be trained, they are quite unpredictable with what they will do and don't really like other animals or people.

    Where is it found?: The Acid Gull usually hangs out in long stretches of asphalt, concrete, cement, etc. Most commonly a parking lot. They tend to hang out around places that people cook a lot of food, for the scraps obviously. They can be found in nearly any environment but tend to stay away from really cold and extremely hot places.

    Rarity: It is pretty common since it appears near large groupings of people or food.

    Diet/Method of gaining energy: Omnivore. It will try to eat anything. It's not that smart.

    Products?: It does not. Unless you count the really acidic vomit.

    Reproduction: Sexual reproduction. Lays 2-3 eggs and then they hatch in nest.

    Size: Small.

    Weight: 3 Pounds

    Lifespan: 13-23 years

    • Tri-Sight, gives the Gull more directions of sight.
    • Acid vomit, allows to break up tough materials. The acid is large quantities of gastric acid they store in their slightly more larger stomachs.
    • Sharp teeth perfect for chewing up tough food.
    • Tend to fly in swarms if being threatened.
    • Due to their smaller wings, they cannot fly far nor very well.
    • They fight between each other uncommonly.
    • They are not too smart and easy to trap.
    • Lack co-ordination and just randomly swarm at people with their attacks.
    crumchy likes this.
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