//A broadcast from Atlas Corporation circulates across all major business channels, with heavier coverage geared towards search tags like 'Employment' and 'Freelance' The Atlas Corporation is presently seeking Talented Individuals with an Entrepreneurial Mindset, to lend us their skills in retaking our long-lost Home-World, Olympus. From Engineers to Technicians, Captains to Cooks, we are looking for nearly every specialization from across the Stars. Any and all participants in this landmark event will receive ample compensation for their efforts; we are paying top dollar for your expertise. Show us what you can do, and we will show you what we can do for you. Speak to an Atlas Official today. //At the tail end of the broadcast is a small wall of disclaimer text. In summary, this blurb covers the fact that this is not an advertisement for a Career with Atlas, but rather a one-time job with only as many strings attached as the Contractor desires. One could walk away with just a paycheck, while another could end up with a well-paying job, land, and other perks upon the formation of the Atlas Empire.