//ANN: Indoestia: Tense Peace, Calls for Elections

Discussion in 'Nexus Net' started by Ryanatorx, Oct 8, 2022.

  1. Ryanatorx

    Ryanatorx Galactic Officer Community Monitor Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    [Province] : N/A
    [Announcement] : Indoestia: Tense Peace, Calls for Elections

    In the [RPUI], protests broke out in the capital city of [Sidillia] calling for elections. The acting president, [Mustafa Yousef-Ibrahim Mosaddegh], rose to power during the attempted coup in which the elected president was killed. During the civil war, elections were suspended by use of emergency presidential powers. As new borders are established between the [Nation of Hrin] and the [RPUI], all eyes are on the democratic side, waiting to see if the president will make good on his promise to resume regular democratic processes.

    Along the [DMZ], high volumes of movement in both directions has been seen. Families are able to visit loved ones that were previously cut off during the fighting, and despite the tension, there is hope.

    [Emperor Aleksandr] was reached for a comment on his role in the situation. The Emperor personally oversaw the peace talks on Calypso that lead to an end to fighting.

    "The Empire's involvement is purely a formality. We simply put into words what these two nations had already agreed to: peace."

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