01 - Constitution of the Federation

Discussion in 'Haven Federation' started by WowGain, Aug 10, 2018.

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  1. WowGain

    WowGain Bara King Staff Member Administrator Bronze Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    Section I.: Preamble
    1. The people of Haven thus declared in this Constitution, which shall henceforth become law on the signing of this document by those remaining members of the Fringe Council and affixed with the legal and official seal of the Grand Protector, hereby recognize this Constitution as binding so as to create a united Federation of Haven, guaranteeing Her citizens equal protection and rights under the Law of the Federation of Haven. The people of Haven thus recognize the sheer importance of democracy in these protections henceforth declared.
    2. This Constitution may be amended in accordance with a vote of the Senate to initiate a popular vote for amendment, in which a majority vote by the Citizens of the Haven Federation will so allow the Senate to amend it on basis of 2/3rds majority vote.

    Section II.: Declaration of Rights
    1. No Citizen of the Haven Federation or any peaceful or neutral foreigner shall be deprived of any sapient rights that would guarantee their right to life, welfare, freedom of body and Self, philosophical belief or religious affiliation, and education.
    2. No Citizen of the Haven Federation shall be deprived of any civil rights not listed above, unless in the case of necessary war, rebellion, or any other time of crisis or national emergency declared so by the Haven Senate.
    3. No species of any type of life may be restricted access to become a Citizen of the Haven Federation, unless if such species is declared hostile or otherwise unfit to stay within Haven.
    4. Those accused of violation of criminal law are protected by the powers of this document in the following matters:
      1. No accused individual shall be brought to testify against themselves in a court of law within the Federation.
      2. An accused individual is duly owed the right of legal counsel. If said individual cannot provide themselves one by means financial or otherwise, they shall be appointed one by the Federation’s jurisdiction
      3. No accused individual shall be held indefinitely prior to an official trial in a court of law, or otherwise subject to cruel and unusual punishment.
      4. No accused individual shall be subject to unruly seizure of life, freedom, or property without proper conviction or assignment of a warrant of arrest, search, or seizure signed by an elected or appointed Judge of the Federation.

    Section III.: The Senate
    1. This Constitution shall establish a Senate body to govern and properly create, interpret, and execute the laws guided by the Constitution of Haven.
      1. This Senate shall be comprised of individuals proportionate to the population of the Haven Federation, with one seat per million persons for the senator, of which whom are voted into the Senate by the Citizens of the Haven Federation every four months of the Terran year. The top individuals are elected into the Senate, the bottom rest scratched off.
      2. This Senate may appoint any other individual to perform a specific task so as to benefit the Federation of Haven.
      3. To run for Senate, one must be a Citizen of the Federation of Haven with no major criminal charges afflicting their record. Candidates must have passed an IQ test with at least 100.
      4. This Senate is given the power of governance over the Federation of Haven, in that they may create, change, or remove laws and utilize their power to appoint to benefit the Federation of Haven. They may regulate trade, taxes, declare war, establish currency, and perform other duties for the proper management of the Federation of Haven and Haven City.
      5. Laws shall be ratified through the process of a Senator creating a bill to be approved by the Senate with a majority vote and signed by the Grand Protector.

    Section IV.: The Grand Protector
    1. This Constitution shall establish a Grand Protector to act as the president of the Federation of Haven, as a symbol to the Citizens of the Federation of Haven, and as a good conscious to check the powers of the Senate.
    2. The Grand Protector shall be elected by the citizens of the Haven Federation every 4 months, with the top candidate with the most voters being elected. Candidates must have passed an IQ test with at least 100.
    3. The Grand Protector must sign a law passed through the Senate for it to be effective in law.
    4. The Grand Protector may veto a law passed through the Senate to render it null and reset for changing. A 3/4th vote of the Senate may override this veto.
    5. The Grand Protector has the power of Executive Action, in which he may use his power to perform special actions that are needed to govern the Haven Federation. The Senate may undo this action with a majority vote.
    6. The Grand Protector has the power to appoint Judges to the High Council, as well as to the Federal Districts of Haven, followed by confirmation of the Senate through simple majority, provided said appointments pass an IQ test with a score of at least 100.

    Section V.: Judiciary
    1. The Judiciary Branch of the Government of Haven shall be enumerated with the ability to review the cases of those charged in the violation of any constitutional law passed by the Senate in accordance with the abilities of the Legislature, in addition to the right of the accused to be further reviewed by a jury of their peers in such case of criminal law.
    2. The Supreme Judiciary, the High Council, will be enumerated with the power to review laws which have been passed by the Senate, and thusly have the ability to judge their constitutionality, and if said law is found to be in violation with the doctrines of this document, render the law null and void with a majority decision.
    3. The High Council shall be seated with Five Judges, and can have additional seats added to it by the amendment of the Senate.
    4. The term length of a Federal or High Council judge shall be indefinite, unless they are brought to impeachment or judged unfit to continue ruling.
    5. Local court circuit judges not in the position of a Federal or High Council Judge shall serve a term of sixth months of the Terran year, elected by the popular vote of the Haven people, provided they first pass an IQ Test with a score of at least 100.

    Section VI.: Impeachment
    1. The Senate may opt by majority vote to begin a trial to remove another Senator, Grand Protector, or other person in office from their power if their actions prove to be unworthy of their title. This requires a ¾ vote by the Senate.
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