It has been far too long since I have made one of these half-hearted attempts to bring a fleeting spike of activity to the forums, so, let's get...
You! You! I am talking to you, yes you! Galaxy Citizen. Today's Question: You get to take one piece of GC tech to the real world. Which tech and...
Hello children it’s me fellow children. Tell me the tale of your first RP experience. How did it go? Knowing what you do now, what would you tell...
Your character has just released a new hit single. What’s its title, what genre is it? And maybe you can even provide us with a little lyrical sample.
Your character has been bitted by a Vampyr! And they’ve done a foolish thing - they stayed on a planet for too long. What do they look like as a...
Make own fluff question and post. Do it. Continue the fluff legacy. And tag it "fluff".
Been too long. What would your character dress up as for Halloween?
It's been too long! Another fluff question, also UC themed because I'm obsessed. Now, as we all now, the ferryman is a massive spoilsport and...
After what seems like days, weeks, months of wandering aimlessly through the dark tunnels of the Undercrypt, you finally take a well-deserved and...
It’s time for another (semi)pointless question. And because of the campaign recently announced I will be doing some Undercrypt themed fluff...
Which character from GC would you bring into real life and hang out with for a day? What would you do? Credit to Pankruk for heavy inspiration.
It's been over a week, I need more little red things next to that envelope and my name. Time for another fluff question! What would your...
I’m addicted to receiving notifications so I’m doing another fluff question. What does your character have for takeout?