When you make a topic here, please eventually choose a best answer, otherwise it will just show as unanswered forever, which can be really...
Forum name: Age: Country/Timezone: Why do you want to be Staff?: What skills can you bring to the staff team?: What area(s) would you be...
//Originally posted 18 Jan 3283// //A post would be made on a micronews website// My home is gone. The MP's have taken over the...
//A page would be found, it appears to be linked up to the official network of Clop Clop websites// Citizenship permits are now open to the...
Have you ever been extorted? Has anyone ever offered you partial jobs for payment, and then robbed you of your hard-earned money? Have...
GALACTIC MONETA FRANCA Pixel - P/Px 1:0.50USD [.50 Cents] NIL ---------- FRINGE CURRENCIES Osidan/Osidian - Osi 1:1.50USD [1.50$] NIL...
//A popular messaging board used by conspiracy theorists and amateur paranormal investigators would have a thread posted on it, made by user...
// A web-archive is set up for most of the larger news stories from the Nexus over the past year or so, allowing anyone to easily catch up on the...
GUIDE TO NEXUS POSTING ORIGINALLY CREATED BY NECTARBELLY The Nexus, being an IC internet, has something of a special nature in terms of post...