Name: Faust, Last Wish, Pact, Ancient’s Blood, Second Life, Satan’s Piss Description: Faust is an anomalous drug that is that’s varying shades...
Name: Azerium, Crisaria syrup, Mana potion, Cuil cocktail, Teeth-rotter Description: Azerium is a wispy, glowing blue liquid that smells sickly...
Name: Crisaria sap, Aberressence, Rainbow soup, Cancer juice, Tumor juice Description: Aberressence is the sap of a Crisaria tree, and is often...
//A nexus post appears that evening, listing out a job offer.// Alright Fringers, my name is Captain Riya. A few days ago while I was out...
Name: Gorgons, Kingslayers, Guardians Description: Gorgons are incredibly varied war machines that have incredibly similar biology to Glitch....
If you were immortal- and ran into the reincarnation of someone you were in love with over, and over, and over again. Would you love that someone...
Name: Rapture, Euphoria, MDMA 2 Description: An iridescent purple liquid or vapor often stored in glass vials for use in an atomizer or inhaler....
Name: Skim Visor, EMV, Wallhack Goggles, Hide and Seek Cheating Device Description: A visor or pair of bulky goggles that fit over ones head,...
Name: Gravitic Support Harness, G.S.H, ‘Gesh’, ‘Geshsuit’. Description: The Gravitic Support Harness- or Gesh, is a cold metal harness with...
Stage 1: Basic Synopsis Tags Metamorphic bioluminescent plant-like warrior bards from a Gaia world. Appearance Nysians are a tall and...
Name: Crisaria Trees Description: Crisaria trees are large, expansive trees that resemble some kind of mix between a Weeping Willow and an Oak...
“Good afternoon Natalie, how have you been since last weeks session?” There’s an exasperated groan. “I told you not to call me that Doc.” “You...
Hey! Some of you know me, but for those who don't. My name is Cheffy and I've been on GC for about... coming up on two years now. I've been...
[IMG] House Luo "Somnium vivimus."...
Solar System Name: Nilinski Star type(s): An orange, K type star Location: [ATTACH] Reachability: Semi-closed. The system's government requires...
Solar System Name: Myridon Star type(s): A yellow, G type star Location: [ATTACH] Reachability: Open!
Alright here we go. So hi! I'm Cheffy, nice to meet all of you. I'm a D&D nerd and a fan of rp. I've been around on GC for a little over a year...
// User Hecate makes a post // I am in search of a Visitant volunteer to preform Symbiosis with. If you are interested please contact me in DMs.
General Information First name: Lillian Middle name(s): Medea Surname: Skye Age: 28 Date of birth: April 11th, 3258 Race: Synthetic human...
// User Hecate makes a post // Selling medium sized corvette that is around 20-30 years old. Pricing from 160k to 300k pixels. Form...