Character Name: Ky'ziz, "Sexy Face" Cause of Death: Chucked into the hyper-dense atmosphere of a gas giant and compressed to death after having a...
I was going to make a smash moveset for a number of prolific characters in GC as a joke, but then I realized, "Hey, I think their actual owners...
Shiza Azaza First name: Shiza Surname: Azaza Age: 28 Date of birth: February 19th Race: Naian, Atrigan Gender: Female Sexuality:...
You were sheltered, you were blinded, and you were hidden away from the galaxy along with everyone else who lived on your miserable little...
//An account on beats-exchange.nex, "churubrass," has become active recently after an alleged 8 year inactivity period. Recent posts can be found...
I'd like to know your character's hand dominance. If they have two hands, great! If they're more complicated... You're free to make any...
Name: “Pocket Drake,” advertised as “Happy Pocket Friend,” and scientifically known as Irisa Miasmus Description: A small draconic-looking...
Eelicks "All descriptions are to be no more than a paragraph or two in length." Tags Diplomatic Cave Eel Stonemasons Appearance Eelicks...