@The Risky Biscuit Epic, just lemme know when you've got the app post updated with all that jazz
Hey @The Risky Biscuit, I'll be looking at your app today First off, can you give a more concrete amount of time for how long a usual dose of...
@PrivateNomad Hey chief, i'll be taking a look at this One thing to keep in mind is that visitant flesh will outright die off when starved of...
//User VALEA makes a reply on a social media post for this advertisement// COME AND FIGHT BITCHES IF U FEEL LIKE U CAN EVEN TRY
@zirconzz @Roren Gotcha
@PanKruk Done
@PrivateNomad @Lange @PanKruk @Randy @Roren Gottem
big pass @Pinkbat5
//"vskaz" posts// bro wtf u need that many chair for
: ) Pass. @Lange
Looks solid to me. Pass, awaiting seconding. @PrivateNomad
//A small story would be posted to a popular paranormal imageboard. It was rather old, but could still be accessed through imageboard archival...
@seaweedgod @Markus Aleksandr @Roren @Lange @PanKruk Just posting this here to confirm that I awarded you/the people you recommended for their...
//User DENJEANS posts// yeah im interested.
//An announcement is made by the Azrani Confederate Alliance, quickly picked up and broadcast by news stations and networks across the Fringe.//...
[IMG] [IMG] The Haven Times Yesterday's Monster Mash began as a celebration for all to relax, dress up in their favorite costumes, and enjoy the...
Passed. @Caucasian Asian
Passed. @PanKruk
Alright, after our DM discussion, this is good for a second Pass. @zecon125 @Dekerrex @TurnWall @Pandaxe_