I'm sorry, but I had to do what was necessary to bring Cauchmar back.
Double Pass @Pinkbat5
Seconded. @PrivateNomad @Markus Aleksandr
says 1mm peter
@Caucasian Asian gotteem
@PanKruk @Lange @Mr_Spetzer @Tamyka310 @Cheffu Gotcha
Pass Memory loss: -Lilian has forgotten the symbolism and meaning of the Major Arcana tarot card The Sun -Lilian has forgotten how to tie her...
Alrighty, Passed, pending seconding. @PrivateNomad
Seconded. As with all applications following a Fail grade, you have two more attempts to attempt to rewrite this concept. @Roren
[[ Donating ]] Name: SC Amount: 8,000 Px
This page will be updated over time to add my various characters. I'll eventually add some level of information on all my characters, though some...
Hey there, apologies for the long wait on a response. @TrIpTiCuS So, when you were writing this I think you got some of the traits of Faux...
//News spreads rapidly from agencies within the easternmost regions of the Fringe, all focusing around the same topic with about the same general...
Oh shit, hey there!
//A post would be made on the public website used for Winston's Bar and Inn on Garlen. The username attached to the blog post was THR3.//...
Big Pass, pending seconding. @The Risky Biscuit