wow nomad thats pretty cringe
// User THR3 would directly reply to this comment // No, food scraps and such have to be dealt with like in any other establishment. Though...
Welcome welcome
seconded zipparuman @Yz2 @Pinkbat5
Alright, in that case this is good for its first pass @Khaos Just awaiting seconding
passed, pending seconding
Pending What's the size of the projectiles fired by this thing @Khaos
i tried you know its impossible
-ce one haha
//User VALEA posts// knew it
@Mir gotcha
gottem @Mir
seconded, basic autodoc deal @Mir @Pinkbat5 Passed
just heard racism was a thing that sucks dude
yeah one of the major complaints towards the 1.0 update was the general dumbing-down of the vanilla starbound setting as a whole retconning...