// The author makes a reply. // . . . Thanks goes out to all for their replies. Those that have been chosen can expect one to send them a private...
// The following is posted on several job sites, as well as a few miscellaneous chat rooms. // . . . One offers greeting to those who care to...
Got it! After some discussion in Discord, I'm glad to slap these guys with a Pass!
New Player Edition . . Well! I’ve certainly noticed a lot more new players flooding into our banks, and I figured with the summer months...
I shall be your grader today! Before we can pass this off to approved, I have a question. What does this mean? Does it mean that the venom takes...
Archetypes, Character Inspiration . . Well boys, I was supposed to do Character Creation, Personality as determined by the democratic process....
Oh- Hatter for the actual putting-into-starbound, and FireAlpaca for making the sprites themselves.
Descriptions, Dialogue . . When I had originally planned this category, it was only ‘Descriptions.’ That was before a conversation between...
Character Design . . So! Its at this point that I remind everyone that I am not making this roleplay guide for new players- Surely they can get a...
Name: Purgatorian Gun Crab. Description: The Purgatorian Gun Crab is the name given to an artificial sub-species of crustaceans created on...
Prologue, and Basics. . . Well, here we are. This is the start of, something- More specifically, a series of roleplay guides that I’ll be...
//The following is posted on a very minor hobbyist website. The rest of the site is devoted to the diaries of those who had died. Rather...
Moirai [IMG] [IMG] General Information Name: Moirai Alias: FateSpun;Seer Age: “Oh ho ho! Too old, deary. Too old.” Gender: Feminine Race:...
I love them. Co-sign.
// User LeslieS❤ posts a reply. // Um, darling? It seems I was omitted from the report? // End of Reply. //