As always, I'd rather private discussions before public ones, but here's a neat list. -Good hat. -Not an asshole. -Optimistic. -Might be worth...
There's a lot of things I could say here- But I think some of it would be more fitted for a private discussion then a public one, however- You're...
Okay, I'll be honest. More of this, and less of this.
Okay for real this time- Just stop doing stuff like this. Then we're golden.
Just stop doing stuff like this. Then we're golden.
//A new game is launched on several VR stores, in early access.\\ [IMG] REAL DURASTEEL, VIRTUA-RENA Want to be like your mech-fighting...
I see no issues. Passe.
//Name: Catalyst //Description: A teal, nearly black mist that is inhaled for its effects, typically carried around like a smoke grenade. [IMG]...
//Name: ‘Oncers’ //Description: A clear fluid, injected or drank for its effects. Often carried in bunker glass vials or special canisters....
//The following website can be found on the Nexus while looking into mercenary companies. All information here, except for player names, is...
An Art Fight attack on
Update! The Shanty [IMG] . . One of the more populated locals of Baldr's Underground, the Shanty is an old USCM outpost and submersible base that...
No comment.
Mental Illness, Trauma, Psionics . . And… we’re back! Welcome back to me /steadily/ making Savrin into more and more of a Rantsona, now in...
[IMG] You can check out, but you can never leave. See you soon.
Trying to get past the ol' Ferryman, eh? Suppose I'll take notes too...