If juiced or jellied, what are the lethal doses of the substance? What happens if you consume a dose under the lethal limit?
Okay, so a juice or a gelatin made using the berry still fry the brain, but eating the seed alone is nontoxic?
'Current known' implies that a player character could study and attempt at an antidote. Is this true? Is it possible for a person to know the...
Then I would like to ask exactly how much of a dosage is needed to cause this reaction, and if there's anyway to reverse the effects within those...
Hello! I'll be your grader today. My biggest issue with this app is going to be the question of how the fruit actually rots the brain away like...
I have no issues with this. First Passe
Subtlety, Mysticism, Psionics, Fear, Drama, Fun . . Funny thing, I was going to open this with ‘And, we’re back!’ like I didn’t do that last...
Name: Visitors, Guests, Wisps, The Wild Hunt, etc. Description: Visitors exist as thoughtforms- Beings made up almost purely of their own and...
Scream. I'll be honest here, I created zecon125 as I was making a Minecraft account. I specifically wanted something unique and memorable, so I...
Never uploaded this, did I?
//User 'tongue'ssharper' comments.// wtf is evil gas so epxensive. retract my bid
//User 'tongue'ssharper' bids 15k.// //They comment// wait fuck
Yeah sounds about right. I've been feeling this myself somewhat recently. Thorn had sort-of fulfilled this role for a bit but uh, we all know what...
Thorn was inspired keyly by my own want to increase CRP and bar fights within the server. Partial inspiration was both taken from the Mario &...
You know the deal. Just when you thought this was dying down, too.
I was afraid of becoming a furry- Waitasecond... Honestly not much. Hastur, I guess.
I don't know much of you. You seem neat and a lot of my friends like rping with you though. Have a Gnome.
Sure. Let's do this. I mean no offense but you're often very quick to anger and quicker to lash out against those near, or at nothing in...