Name: Kaiju, as a collective name. They have a variety of other names given to them. Words that mean 'giant' or 'titan' in the languages of the...
//EBS-7 replies:// Happy birthday, Caliph! Here's to many more.
Vouch. Nothing of value was lost that day.
Name: Sizip Description: [IMG] A Taxidermised Juvenile Sizip. Sizips are massive herbivores, found in the forests of Bern on the...
Name: Kashr Description: [IMG] A closeup of a Kashr. Photo taken by a camera stationed in a Bernian forest. Kashrs are arboreal...
Name: Fetak Description: [IMG] A Fetak, caught mid-feeding. [IMG] A stationary Fetak photosynthesising. Fetaks are large,...
Name: Jakan Description: [IMG] The Jakan is a large predator, found rarely in deep waters. They are native to the south pole of Scalb....
Name: Vrashing Description: [IMG] A Vrashing on display in a museum. After dying of old age, the corpse was spirited away by rangers....
Name: Shilar Description: [IMG] A Shilar passing by a plane. Shilars are small arthropods that live high above oceans. Variations of...
Name: Wak(s) Description: [IMG] A Wak warming itself. Waks are bony fishes found in shallow waters. They feed on algae growing on coral...
Name: Gagia Description: [IMG] Gagias are large invertebrates, found in the jungles of Arun. They're colourful, but highly poisonous. They...
((Gray atlas....))
//Azathoth replies:// This article is inaccurate. I am not a former Hellwalker. I still am one. Get your facts right.
//EBS-7 replies:// I wish to obtain one, having witnessed their capabilities.
Name: The Neofly genus encompasses most, if not all of the insectoid organisms found on the planet Tarsus. The term 'Neofly' refers to them as a...
Name: Deadbeat Warhounds/ Warbitches - Canis Mutatio Description: Originally animals brought to Schelor by the human settlers, they ran...
+1 Khaos would be very good on staff. He's a talented writer, level-headed and a nice person. Would be able to contribute a lot to the community.
Name: Saurian Stellaris, though each breed has a different name. [IMG] Space Dinosaurs usually have traits their original, earth-Dinosaur forms...
Name: World Serpents (Genus Immensusconclamatus), Quetzalcoatl, Jormungandr, Apophis, Ouroboros, Nidhogg, Ladon, Basilisk. Anything a giant...
Name: Ixokin, Horribilis potentia Description: [IMG] (Skeleton of an Ixokin male nearing maturation) Ixokin are a species of Arthropod-like...