//User BLU-BOI posts a question// what are your thoughts on Corrav being fucking destroyed, and the shifters that caused it?
//User MEAT_BEAT replies// The Blue Devil You remember me. Good with guns, fighting, and keeping it cool [img]/emoticons/smile@2x.png...
//Heatdeath// i'm already dead you're welcome //The user leaves their nex-mail account//
//Heatdeath// we all die in differing ways some physically, some mentally, some in die in the eyes of others. ...
//User HEATDEATH replies// we all die someday it is inevitable. you can just make the timer go quicker good luck
//Name: Ghost' //Race: Human //Age: 19 //Strengths: 'Programming' //Preferred Career Path: Engineering //...
//Log of all transactions and possessions of Hephaestus Corp. Only accessible by head of finance and Hephaestus Admins// ((Will be edited as...
A shipyard, where people can build their own ships? Maybe a restaurant, or some ruins to emphasize Greece's influence on the Mediterranean....
Cosign Spooopy
Name: Bob [/b]Age: 50[/b] [/b]Race: Android[/b] [/b]Talents: I've been working as a butler for over 30 years,...
Character Name: Meat-Head Cause of Death: Dis Meat boy died of smoke inhalation, after burning off the clothes and flower of a Nova named...
Name of Aug/tech: B.O.B.O.R (Butler Or Bodyguard Original Robot.) Description: A 5 feet tall, grey android that looks a lot like a glitch....
Name of Aug/Tech: AA energized Bots Description: a 7 foot tall blue android, with no facial features or bodily features. There a small...
Ayyyyy Never really had a commision done, so might as well have one. I would like a normal piece of art, of ma boi Meat-Head....
//User Blue Devo remember replies.// But you forgot the Blue Demon, your trusty sidekick. I feel offended.
// MEAT_B0LL // wait wat
Name of Aug/Tech: Swing, The Entertainer Description:A 7 foot tall android, with a helmet Esc. head; a small Bowler hat on-top, with a small...
Name: Mr.It [/b]Age: 161 (Cryogenics)[/b] [/b]Race: Human[/b] [/b]Talents: I used to run a small moving museum, so I have...
//User MEAT_B0LL replied, down voting the post.// D U D E. You forgot the Arch-Devils. Get it together.