Imma go vote potato.
Kibuld smell Goblan gud?
I think that folklore should be re-opened. I think that it allowed for people to very add minor lore to GC with relative ease and it looks like it...
Why am I not surprised?
It's been over a week, I need more little red things next to that envelope and my name. Time for another fluff question! What would your...
Sup, nice to meet you. Welcome to the cult, sacrifices on Wednesday - bring your own Snugget. And it's gotta be TESIV:Oblivion.
Okay. I shall sippy the orange juice.
I’m addicted to receiving notifications so I’m doing another fluff question. What does your character have for takeout?
//EarlGrey replies// Or I know someone who did. There are multiple ways that I could know about your strange antics.
At least it cancels out the corpse flowers.
Koo is absolutely adorable.