Not staff, just gonna voice my opinions on the matter here because why not, if staff want me to un-opinion here I will delete the post. I...
Could you expand a bit more on what tulpamancy and a tulpa is? I looked on the internet and it seems to be like summoning a ghosty to do stuff for...
Are we going to need to re-app our existing psions to fit within the system?
You is like so old now. hap birthdo
"And while characters can try to understand and research their ability in a cold, calculating way, there is almost no drama to be had in them...
I needed it to alliterate.
Make own fluff question and post. Do it. Continue the fluff legacy. And tag it "fluff".
They’re not actually chains, just uh flesh that looks more like chains because it has a hole in the middle. They aren’t separate loops, just look...
That begs the question of if that’s really a thing anymore or if it’s now just “human face”.
Life, the right of every being. Our New Venture We here at Stork place a big value on life, and this extends to already existing life. Our...
Been too long. What would your character dress up as for Halloween?
In that manner yes, by which I mean it has full wibbly movement.
gib priority pls
Name: Flexible Hair Description: A genetic modification that causes changes in har Strands of hair become fewer in number but thicker - roughly 5...
Quick! Everyone! Make some stuff up!
Nonsense! Preposterous! Who put that into your head? I am not the ferryman and this is a legitimate business. Now, tell me more about all the tech...
It's been too long! Another fluff question, also UC themed because I'm obsessed. Now, as we all now, the ferryman is a massive spoilsport and...
Should’ve come on the UC trip.