After the time under the effects, it takes around a minute for the symptoms to fully wear off - but the evil is gone after the 15-20 minutes....
(Isn’t that part in narrative text? Implying OOC so “your” implies to you, the person. Meaning senator KFC kicks it. Ha rules lawyering dooms us all.)
Name: Apple of Eden Description: A fluffy looking gas reminiscent of a cartoon-ish cloud when clumped together. It’s light pink in colouration...
Oh could swear that they did get stronger in higher ECFs. Idk where I pulled that from. Anyway, thanks for the response!
Now, Qarins get stronger in higher ECFs. Are Qarins buffed by a psion's flux at all?
Name/Description of target: To be captured/killed/Etc: Details (optional): Visitant, live. One of the little floaty ones in Haven. Alphas or...
Name: Dr. Lorette Fernsby Race: Human Vampyr Equipment: Medium-Light armour, Plasma Pistol, Hardlight and Regular dagger. Manipulation of anomaly....
Your character has just released a new hit single. What’s its title, what genre is it? And maybe you can even provide us with a little lyrical sample.
Nice to meet you! From the sounds of things you'll fit pretty nicely into the RP community, so if you have any worries there, shoo them back into...
Have laughed at you, yes.
You never specified which character... So I'm going to headcanon that you meant Mi-go.
Uhhhhhhhhhhhh, the hideous monster turning one? So Lamia.
Your character has been bitted by a Vampyr! And they’ve done a foolish thing - they stayed on a planet for too long. What do they look like as a...
Oh, must’ve missed that, thanks!
I was wondering if you could perhaps give an example of a psionic ability application.
//User BestGrandma427 replies// I keep chickens in my garden! They're an exotic bird originating from Earth.
That was from the rewor- oh that’s the point
“CUIL WALKING Cuil-Walking is the physical ability for an individual to resist high levels of cuils. This typically occurs through the...