Alright here we go. So hi! I'm Cheffy, nice to meet all of you. I'm a D&D nerd and a fan of rp. I've been around on GC for a little over a year...
Commit the sin zecon125. Make a human character. Do it.
Who do you believe deserves this badge (Forum Username): Cheffu Which badge?: Server Supporter, Server Saint Evidence/Vouches: [ATTACH]
perhaps soon christmas
Character name: Kojin Lith Character skills: CQC with melee weapons, cooking, long ranged firearms, basic first-aid. Character inventory: Four...
[ATTACH] Name: Lanya Sterling References: N/A Looking for?: Jobs involving languages. Experience: Six years studying linguistics. Additional Info:...
Lillian is ambidextrous, Kojin is left handed and the rest are right.
Personally I started as a Nova. You can really start as whatever you choose! Again, personally here. I'd wait on the custom races until you have a...
// User Lith opens the other headlines //
// Lith would open the other headlines //
Co-signed again as requested. I love the way all the stuff looks.
Co-signed good sir.
Name: Lillian Skye Species: Synth Occupation/Specialty: Guard/Marksman Other skills: Basic first aid. Mechanic skill. Explosive knowledge.
Lillian just wants to stop fighting and live a peaceful life with a large circle of friends.
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// User Hecate makes a post // I am in search of a Visitant volunteer to preform Symbiosis with. If you are interested please contact me in DMs.
Who do you believe deserves this badge (Forum Username): @Cheffu Which badge?: Author Evidence/Vouches:...
If I missed anyone's characters let me know.
General Information First name: Lillian Middle name(s): Medea Surname: Skye Age: 28 Date of birth: April 11th, 3258 Race: Synthetic human...