//User LUX posted a reply.// ALSO WE NEED CRACK AND ABESTOS AND DAVE. THANK YOU IN ADVANCE. //End of reply.//
//User BARD posted a reply.// Full name: Masked Bard. Nexus contanct information: BARD Attachments: [IMG] //End of reply.//
Seems real neat-o to have more Glitch. Cosign.
Who do you believe deserves this badge (Forum Username): Which badge?: Chatterbox, Champion, Conscription Evidence/Vouches: A lot of people from...
+1, i luv u mate, u can do it and stuff
Character Name: Muf-Lar Fendor Cause of Death: Got ambushed, shot twice on his torso, ultimately ended his life with a shot to his head with a...
//User BMF has left a comment.// THAT LOOKS COOL WOW
Who do you believe deserves this badge (Forum Username): Which badge?: Click Click Clack, Death is Real Evidence/Vouches: Death is Real can be...
hi :)