Name: Hallucinogenic cat (Felis catus mutatamente) Description: A regular appearing house cat,usually smaller than usual. Behavior: Average cat...
Name: Ari, or Aribirds Description: Ari are huge birds, comparable to the size of an ultralight plane. They take on the appearance of birds...
Name: Drunken Pineapple (Ethanol ananas comosus) Description: Looks like a pineapple, but is actually a GMO (genetically modified organism),...
Name: Wyvern. Drakovenator trithienesis Description: [IMG] Juvenile [IMG]Adult. Wyverns are very maniraptoran in body plan, having modified...
Name: "Ghosts" [Reincarnation Template] Description: [IMG] Ghosts are a type of phase matter beings that are typically neutral in demeanor,...
Name: "Poltergeists" [Reincarnation Template] Description: Poltergeists are a type of phase matter beings that are completely invisible...
Name of Aug/Tech: Ribingu Paper Description: Looks like average construction paper but has black and blue glitterish stuff on the edges of it....
Name: Manticore (Thylacoleo Frosgothiiri) Description: A marsupial-esque creature native to the cold swamps of La'Megoth. The Lion sized...
Name: 'Vessels' Description: Massive organisms, around the size of a Condor-class ship. They come in a variety of colours and shapes, but...
Name: Swamp Jaws Description: Very similar to a venus flytrap. However it digs into the ground and allows for grass and dirt to build over...
Name: - Kharnarath Daemons Description: Giant, robotic, fiery demons. [img] Behavior: - They are extremely aggressive, and will...
Name: - Kharnarath Imps Description: Tiny, robotic, horned demons. [img] Behavior: - They are aggressive creations who will fight...
Name: - Veroraptor Description: - Veroraptors are a recreation of the Dinosaur Velociraptor from earth, albiet larger. The average...
Name: Sentient Goo / Goo Description: Sentient gelatin, the invertebrate mass of organic material can come in varying shapes, sizes,...
Name: - Solus Harvesters [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Description: A variety of common herbivores, except in the image of fire, i.e. ox, deer,...
Name: - Solus Ravagers [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Description: - A variety of common predators, except in the image of magma, i.e. wolves,...
Name: - Pearlpea (Common name) Pisum Janus (Scientific name). Description: The fruit appears as small, pink spheres, while the bush they...
The Fishboar ((Forgive me for my lazy cropping. I'm tired.)) [img] -DESCRIPTION - The Fishboar, as it is...
Primordials: (mutata figura) Description: Designed Aeons ago by some ancient, unknown race, the Primordials are expansive collections of...