This is a place where I make my tests with BBCode because I want to make sure that things work before I post stuff in other things
// A site started circling around, it was the host of a radio station that turned into playable files on the site. \\ "Good evening...
General Information Theta is an android, activated on 7/13/3263, it's activation site is [REDACTED]. THETA Model 3618-B, [REDACTED] variant,...
// There's a video posted by the user Kicky, it starts off as some sort of helmet camera, or headset. There's a light fog in the air of a grassy...
Lustitiae Seeker Guardian General Information Lustitiae is a councilman for The Grey Council, he keeps up the appearance of a...
Name: Kilthorn's Giant/Large Lizard, or The Kilthorn Dragon Description: The Giant Lizard has the shape of a Bearded Dragon, however it is...
Name: V.A.P also known as a Parkour pack (Vertical Assistance Pack) Description: The VAP looks like an inflated waist-belt with five...
Upon the small ship CVS Teller are the logs of a lone doctor, a mix of text and video documents stored on a flash drive, which he would have...
So uh, I have no idea what to put here. I mean, I was here before the last purge (for the lack of a better term. So this will probably lack...