Name: Forgeling (Ignis camini) Description: [IMG] Forgelings are fiery phase matter organisms that enjoy the company of people. They are blobs of...
Name: Amoesma, Amoesmae Description: [IMG] (Above: Several large amoesma seen floating inside a cave system in hyperspace.) Amoesmae are...
Character Name: Sinji Ekta Cause of Death: Shot in the lung by Vilidius Cal # of Previous Clones: 3 Member Vouch: @WowGain @majo Character Sheet:...
Hello! In an effort to try and encourage diversity when it comes to what server hub people roleplay on as well as the creation of events, we will...
[IMG] On Friday May 1st at 7:00 PM ((EST)), the SOLUS Corporation will be having a party at Club SOLUS in Haven Square. There will be...
[IMG] The various cultures of the Haven Federation celebrate a large variety of different holidays, many of which are hosted as on or off server...
> CALIBER QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE < The spreadsheet above is merely a guide that can be used to determine the penetration power of a given weapon...
Name: Plasma Gauntlet Description: Plasma gauntlets are metal gauntlets worn on a hand that includes a gas canister and battery mounted...
[IMG] People of the Fringe! Are you lonely? Feeling adulterous? We got you covered - join us at the DESTINED HEARTS DATING SHOW! We will match you...
[IMG] THE PRISILITE PRIX Hey, you! Yes you! Ready for the Prisilite Prix to return in 3287? Want some racing action so badly? Not a problem! Come...
[IMG] Good evening to the faithful. My name is Kezalk, head priest of the Occasist Temple in Haven. I invite you to an exploration of our future...
Character Name: kirk Cause of Death: shot in winstons, neck snapped by @PanKruk # of Previous Clones: 0 Member Vouch: @PanKruk Character Sheet:...
// The following is a document that has been spreading around the Nexus like wildfire, simply titled the 'Occasus Manifesto'. It has already begun...
>> Opening LOG file "1.log" created by 'loneascetic15'... << __________________________ 1.1.3287, Garlen Valley It is the first day of my...
// An Interview of Leda Portia, Founder of Haven \\ The Founder Returning The camera was on, lights briefly shining onto the lens before fading...
[IMG] solus corparation charity equity sale [IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG] i am selling my shares, equivalent to currently 50% of solus corporation, to the...
Name: Plasma Injector Description: A plasma injector is a type of weapon similar to a spear or knife, only that the tip is pointed like a syringe...
Name: Aegallium Description: Aegallium appears as a liquid metal at room temperature, with a silvery oxide surface and a pale green color that...
Name: Cerullium phosphate Description: Cerullium phosphate is a compound with a crystal lattice similar to quartz. It has a chemical formula of...
[IMG] ★ THE PRISILITE PRIX ★ The Sundrifter Circuit RACERS, START YOUR ENGINES! The Prisilite Prix is hosting a race in the Haven Federation THIS...