i love guns give me your thoughts i consume you
//Posted by @ACHILLES ACHILLES PRIVATE INVESTIGATION Achilles Private Investigation ( API ) take care of problems where cases/incidents that are...
kill or injure, your choice. if interested, ive got a whole line ready for progress and shit. discord rp or starbound rp?
how many people have actually laughed or at least like chatting with me? tldr: how many of you are good friends with me? <3
Ok, so hear me out real quick: My idea was to develop a post-apocalyptic planet, dense with several features of radiated creatures, bandits,...
so heres is
[ Coyote Syndicate ] [IMG] [ "3ʇo-ʎ0ɔ" ] [ Mission Statement ] Our mission is to conduct what others believe immoral ways of earning a way...
who is down to join my oh so evil syndicate with different morals/beliefs, ways of earning money and shit? contact .exe#1337 for more information....
ok for realsy this time: Who is absolutely down to cause militaristic trouble? to be fair, there is a lack of trouble, almost to the point of...
mine is milk from the single tit of nomad the great. size 11, comic sans, double spacing.
//USER: 'ELIMR' //PASSWORD: ****** //... //GOOD MORNING, ELIMR! //[RECORDINGS] [000] {NO FILE} //[PICTURES] [000] {NO FILE} //[NOTES] [001]...
[ General Information ] First name: Elijah Middle name(s): Drachen Surname: Ulmer Age: 24 Date of birth: 02/11/3266 Race: Human Gender: Male...
is sandlewich make good with hand and cheeks with mio and mutard? or turnkey? bolgonia? pistsramgi?
|| Caerian Colonial Republic Nexus Announcement || //Nexus User: General.Ulr (( .exe#1337 )) "This is General Owen Ulr, General Ulr of the...
|| Caerian Colonial Exchange || || Chemical Weapons || Comatonic Heliotrope - 3,000,000 Px (per ton) || Mechs || Swallow Mech (SSM-112a) -...
|| Caerian Colonial Republic || //Nexus User: General.Ulr (( .exe#1337 )) "This is General Owen Ulr, good evening ladies and gentlemen, we bring...
i pray that i shall receive deez nuts thy wishes upon [IMG]
bread is good