Name: Flying Sword, Boomerang Blade, Heli-Chopper Description: A thin-bladed sword with grooves cut into the side of the blade to reduce the...
Name: Falling Foam, Parachute In A Can, Personal Airbag, The "Oh Shit" Button Description: Contained in a Can much similar to Restraint Foam,...
Name: Rebounder Gauntlets, "Catch and Release", Matrix Gloves. Description: A modified pair of ZPEM Gauntlets, with emitters tuned to project a...
//An ad starts circulating around the nexus, a video which opens up on a white-furred naian in a trench coat, sitting alone in a smoke-filled...
Name: Archmagos Vents Description: Archmagos Vents are, well, vents along the glitch's torso, which are meant to feed a far greater amount of air...
Name: Rapid Extension Achieved by Controlled Hydraulics. Boosters. Longarms and Farleapers. Hydro's. Description: R.E.A.C.H. Prosthetics are...
General Information Name: Mustang Leonard Mann, or Muss L. Mann Age: 20 Date of Birth: June 18th, 3268 Sexuality: Nationality: Schelor Religion:...
Name: Medical Drone Version 1.5, Porta-Doc, “Healy-Boy” Description: An eight legged drone (Two on each of the four “sides”) with a number of...
Name: MANOS 2.0 Description: It looks like a standard prosthetic arm, except the palm has shock paddles in it, and the back of the hand has a...
General Information Name: Purple Palm Age: Four Weeks Date of Birth: 1/1/3288 Sexuality: No Nationality: Renaize Religion: Has no concept of it...
Character Name: Demetrius "Punchy" Galvan Cause of Death: Head bashed into the bottom of an air vent repeatedly by a Panopticon Specialist # of...
Your thoughts, hand them over. Think at me, think at me really hard, tell me what you think. For real, I would like to actually know.
Name: Combination Rings Description: A set of four rings, all made to be worn on the pointer fingers of the wearers. These rings appear to be...
General Information Name: Mir Tahiti Age: 30 Date of Birth: Feb 3rd, 3258 Sexuality: Bi (Likes guys more though) Nationality: Avosi by birth (Not...
Name: Medical Arm 'N "Operating" System, or MANOS for short. Description: MANOS is a specifically engineered cybernetic arm replacement designed...