Hi. I'll be grading this application today. I have several questions. How does the exoskeleton mitigate a user's weight? How much of the body...
Hi everyone. I'm posting this in an attempt to rehash an idea I've seen go quite well in a previous Starbound community I've been a part of, and I...
I'm passing this.
We spoke about this in the Discord and you clarified that it does not allow my worry: Remote control or "control" in general, merely disabling...
That works perfectly, thank you. I don't see any issue with it. I'm giving it a pass.
Most of the material's properties speak for themselves and are likely comparable to others within the material lore, but if you could, I just have...
I don't have an issue with how this functions for Energy Beings and Organics; it all makes sense with the drug injection and nerve blocks, but...
Passed. There's nothing to worry about with these things in terms of balance at all.
Having had some more time to reflect on this application, while it is balanced, I've come to the conclusion that there's absolutely no way to make...
Fair enough. This is passed.
Hi. I’m glad you changed the application to be more balanced and gave it some more variability with its uses involving the spread function, but...
Hello. I'm here to grade your application and I'm sorry to say I'm going to have to fail this. There are several issues with this application and...
Alright, that's acceptable. Normally I wouldn't be accepting of that temperature of flame without it taking time to heat up to that point, so it's...
Hi. I'll be grading your application today. My only concern is this line: ...in relation to this, specifically the highlighted bits: My...
That's acceptable. I'll give this its first pass.
Alright. I'll give this a pass then.
Hi. I'll be grading this application today. It all seems fine and well, but I just have one question. If it leaves a stain, does the stain glow?
Hi. I'll be grading your application today. All of these things are fine, from the strength to even the suit's maximum speed provided its lack of...
All of this sounds acceptable, but I still have one question remaining. This is assuming with regard to their speed. I'm trying to get an...