Acceptable. Passed.
Given their grip, that is my biggest problem at the moment; some fragility or a clear place to swing in order to potentially escape. Most organics...
Hi. I'll be starting the grading process for this today. What is the minimum cuil count a Yarai can exist in? I imagine they have a 'floor' for...
Alright. That's all the clarification I need. I find this all to be balanced enough. Passed and awaiting a seconding or further questions from...
It was brought to my attention that at some point in the application's writing that it was possible to combine upwards of hundreds of the...
Alright. This is passable. Thank you.
Alright. And while projecting, these are completely visible at all times, correct?
You mention they float. How high do they levitate off of the ground? How much variation is there in the technology that allows them to levitate...
Hi. I'll be starting the grading of this application today. I have several questions and concerns to begin with. -How much do they weigh on...
Hi, I'll be grading this today. I only have two questions right now: -How much can one carry, both in their arms and on their backs? -How quickly...
Lifespan: I was using bacteria that had been found still living in permafrost for half a million years as a sort of example to fall back on that...
Name: Carnivorous Water Description: A fluid-like entity that takes on the appearance of water, though this is mostly due to this fact that the...
That's alright. Passed.
Yes, please. When you make the edit just drop another post in here and we can be done here.
Acceptable. Thank you. I'm giving this a pass.
Alright, thank you. I'm going to ask one thing then, as an additional condition toward using these. The one firing the arrows, if they are...
Alright. In regard to controlling the arrows again, elaborate on the soft neural link please. Would this be an implant of some sort like a chip or...
Hi. I'll be grading your application today. Given you answered one of the other questions I'd have, regarding speed in this application, I have...
The first and last questions are answered acceptably, but for the second one, I'd just like more specific numbers. Could you give me an exact...
Hi. I'll be grading your application today. I just have a few questions. "This leads such a spear to always aim at where the target is and not...