Name: Sanctusian Hivetrees- no scientific name for Order given Description: Sanctusian Hivetrees are not a single species, but an order of...
Name: Sanctusian Wildtrees, “Goop trees”- no scientific name for Order given Description: Sanctusian Wildtrees are not a single species, but an...
for furniture recolouring, follow the guide here. i noticed there's no guide on the forums that shows how to take your own sprites and put them in...
Name: Ocular Autohemorrhaging, Ocular Autohemorrhaging in Sentients (OAS procedure) Description: The OAS procedure is a relatively simple...
[IMG] [IMG] The Haven Times Senator David Ward will no longer be living offworld according to an announcement made earlier this week. Ward told...
[IMG] //Somewhere in the depths of the nexus, a website mostly used by the denizens of Civspace comes back up after some scheduled site...
//A shady site is put up in the dead of night. A plain black background and comic sans font are its most notable features.// be friend of...
Name: Coccobacillus florentes, a bacterium that causes Heffel's Disease. Description: Coccobacillus florentes is a rod-shaped, facultatively...
Name: Simply referred to as the "camouflage proxy" or "camouflage vessel" by the Visitant. Description: The Camouflague Proxy/Vessel is...
Name: Lignum contritum, "Outsider's Bane", "Impossible Trees", "Quantum Trees" Description: Lignum contritum specimens can take a wide...
(( credit to @Khaos for writing the strengths and weaknesses of this app! )) Name: "Dust of Awareness" Description: The "Dust of...
Name of device or augmentation: Hylotl Pulse Technology Description: Hylotl pulse technology that scales to size, allowing it...
Name of Augment: Super soldier strength enhancement. Description: Grossly deformation of the body, skin, and muscles. Either having more...
[/b]Name of Aug/Tech: -Divers-[/b] [/b]Description: -A tall robot in a reinforced diving suit (like power armour). Standing at...
Name of technology or augmentation: Regenerative parts in florans History of Aug/Tech: This regenerative property comes...
Name of Aug/Tech: Blood Machine Description: An odd tech with tubes connected to a large machine with large glass containers connected...
Name of Aug/Tech: The life bringer Description: Looks similar to that of a cloning pod, but something seems different... History...
Name of Aug/Tech: Medi Spray Description: A white bottle with a green medical sign on the front History of Aug/Tech: Made by...
Name of Aug/Tech: Nano-stitch Description: Looks like regular old surgical stitching wire History of Aug/Tech: The medic named...
Name of Technology or Augmentation: FireStar Gauntlets Description: A Pair of Metal Gauntlets that have properties that enable them to fire 3...