I should probably be more active on here
Is anyone else on the server? to rp?
I'm the only one on Carlgo, on the whole server actually
Man the server is like, deserted right now wow
Ah ok, that clears it up. Also a small note, I am now playing with a secondary character named Gold, so that is also me.
Is there any way to see what people are on which planet?
That is one nice Airman pfp
Ah ok, that clears things up thankie much
So, quick question. Are we allowed to have more than one character to Roleplay as?
I usually try to be polite and not butt in, but usually I am ignored
So its getting hard to actually do anything. I guess its cause I cant make any friends on the server. Any way I can join in the rp more?
Height: 5' 3" Weight: 102 lbs. Hair Color: Bleach White. Eye Color: Red-ish. Personality: Socially Awkward, Clueless at Times, Clumsy, Polite,...
Thankie much
I am having a joining error, it says the the connection was timed out. anyone else having this problem or can help me?
eh? why?
Did anyone say why the teleporters are a little mixed up?
Is something wrong with the warps? cause all the warps are named error messages
Thank you just read the Human one. Also, I cant log into the server, it just crashes me instantly. I think someone griefed the place because all...
Yes I have a question, do you know where I can get a rundown of the main story for the rp?
Greetings All! I have recently join the server but no one seems to be on it right now.