Is there some form I have to do to make his mining rig legitimate or specifying the materials harvests from space? If so ping me
Just got all four of them wisdom teeth pulled, feel like hecking garbo
Right back at ya buckeroo
Nice conversation m e
Oh hey that orb thing is uncovered now
Been busy a while, a lot of stuff looks like it happened
Boop a woop
Name: Rusty Iron'all Species: Assumed Glitch Occupation: Exploration and history Speciality: Ruin and language evaluation Other skills:...
Tada new character page done after 2 days yaaay
General Information First name: Orion Middle name(s): None Surname: Phaze Age: 20 Date of birth: Actual Record Unknown Race: Human Gender: Male...
You have yeed your last haw par-di-nar
Yeah it sucks but at least hes in a better place now
Feeling pretty bad right now, as I had to get my two year old dog put down because of mental reasons
What do you use to create the custom texture skins of these character?
I love this post
Trying to compile information for a character, wish me luck
//5T4G received a message from the username "AU"// //Form //Name: Gold //Age:23 //Species: Novakid //Gender: Male //Skills: Trained Assassin and...