Big ol' Cosign here, boss
Who do you believe deserves this badge (Forum Username): Yuma Which badge?: Conscription Evidence/Vouches: Ki'a has completely devoted himself to...
I saw a bunch of other people post the same thing in the same spot but huh?
Deleted that thread because I got told I put it in the wrong place. Where do you put stuff like a criticism thread then?
Ok so I've been seeing these kinds of threads pop up more often and they seem really interesting, so why not give it a go myself? I've not been...
Let's see.... As of now I have three paths for him to go, being speculation. The "Good" ending After watching Reaize grow and become stable, the...
Spruced up the friend hierarchy and gave him LoFi music taste
Changed up some of his friendos
Update: Changed a whole lot of stuff to match everything that has been going on
Update: Added Dox, Rehi and Elena to friends list Added Surgery Recovery to Illness Added Residency to Renaize Added Occupation of Manual Laborer...
Update: Added Lyssa and Lithui to friends list Added Immuno Weakened to Illness Changed favorite drink to Hot Chocolate Changed Siblings status
[ATTACH] General Information First name: Ki'a Middle name(s): None Surname: None Date of birth: Sometime during 3266 Age: 24 Race: Nas'Djinn...
Bee boop
So I think I wanna give it another try, but it seems that Imma have to read on this place to get it a bit more
I always felt a bit... off or out of place when I tried rping here, and I never really knew the reason. Maybe it was all the strange mods people...
Hey, it's been a while since I've thought about this place. I wanna try again to get into this, it's just so harrowing, is that weird?
Update: Asded Corchea to list of freinds and adjusted age to Novakid lifespans