I feel like I should've known that. Uh, still gonna keep it here for future reference. Maybe I might do something cool with it in the future?
[MEDIA] verdict: didn't work.
This is a place where I make my tests with BBCode because I want to make sure that things work before I post stuff in other things
// Yet another broadcast. They don’t start with a fancy opening, just a short jingle. But soon, the new host’s voice came from the speakers if...
Alive and well.
// After a long absence, this odd station is back. God knows why they had only one recording so far and why it took so long to make a second.\\...
// A site started circling around, it was the host of a radio station that turned into playable files on the site. \\ "Good evening...
// ShaFlower32 comments \\ Philosophical? Well I guess if... that's a hard question, but it can mean anything. It's like asking 'what is the...
// ShaFlower32 comments \\ What're you making, or what is your goal?
//User c00ld00d69 replies\\ ikr, what goes through the heads of game designers sometimes \\End//
// User gund4243 comments \\ Name: Iota Species: Glitch Reason to want a Qarin: It would be extremely useful, as trips to the Undercrypt...
// User Kicky replies \\ Thank you!
General Information Theta is an android, activated on 7/13/3263, it's activation site is [REDACTED]. THETA Model 3618-B, [REDACTED] variant,...
// Kicky replies \\ Can you take that to DMs?
// There's a video posted by the user Kicky, it starts off as some sort of helmet camera, or headset. There's a light fog in the air of a grassy...
// c00ld00d69 comments \\ stop the advertisements and release the game! \\ End //
Who are you?: Syllius Claymore Why?: Because I need people to hang out with, plus gangs are cool About you?: I'm going to sell hats, I can get...
RE: //The Mark of the Beast// // c00ld00d69 comments \\ dude this is going to be an AWESOME horror game \\ end //
RE: //A silent call for help// // user c00ld00d69 comments \\ is this some sort of horror game commercial? or are haven guard bad??? \\ End //
It may or may not be possible because of the website (I honestly don't know), but if you need to know right now it's 3284