Rest in Purple Palm, he just had a ship dropped on him.
General Information Name: Purple Palm Age: Four Weeks Date of Birth: 1/1/3288 Sexuality: No Nationality: Renaize Religion: Has no concept of it...
Edit: Purple Palm just got permakilled by a whole-ass ship turning him into paste, so now uh... Demetrius flees to garlen
Huh. I only have 4 characters, so two of them can go in... Mir definately goes to Garlen (And loses his right arm in the process because it's...
Update: Denim Saga Redux has concluded, and the remainder of what happened has been added.
Mir: Searching for Stability in a Chaotic World, Clinging to Innocence, Clinging to Friendship, Struggling to Stand Up for Oneself. Purple Palm:...
Who do you believe deserves this badge (Forum Username): Mir Which badge?: The Second Coming Evidence/Vouches: I was around on GC back when the...
Full Name: Purple Palm Age: 0 Species: Avian... I think? Gender: Male Skillset: What's a skill? I'm strong, is that good? Other Citizenships:...
Mir, Demetrius, and Purple Palm talk for awhile, none of them thinking to check the door to see whether or not it's locked. After awhile, when...
Pictured ends, meaning how we want things to go... I kinda just want Mir to get a happy ending, even if that sounds boring. With all the stuff the...
Update: Decided to add some more events that have happened, just realized I haven't been keeping this updated.
Your Honor, League of Legends
3038 degrees farenheit
I'm funny man now?
Character Name: Demetrius "Punchy" Galvan Cause of Death: Head bashed into the bottom of an air vent repeatedly by a Panopticon Specialist # of...
You see me?
Anima Weave Who doesn't want a cape that billows dramatically in the wind on command.
So, when I play games, I have periods where I binge the same game for very long periods of time. The 3-4 months leading up to me joining GC, this...
I mean Mir's a prosthetics engineer so I guess in a generic job he'd be a regular engineer. Not a civil engineer, though.