Who do you believe deserves this badge (Forum Username): Short-Factor Which badge(s)?: Galactic Citizenship Galactic Prodigy Helping Hand Blood...
Ah yes, the subreddit lost to time. It'd be nice to bring that back out of obscurity.
Welcome to GC! Can't wait to see what characters you come up with.
// Castille District's own famous DJ, Adrian 'Signal' Wildner would leave a message. // "I'd love to DJ for the Manaas district! I've been...
Music pipeline is slowing down a bit as my IRL work ramps up and my focus here starts to turn to RP. Stuff is in the works though!
Pipeline for music stuff is ramping back up. I'll be posting a 2017 Megamix with all my releases around New Years though, excited for that.
It's always sad to see members leave, especially those that have been with us for a while. You'll certainly be missed. On another note, I can...
// Lange Avalice orders a personal hard cover copy for his library collection. //
Welcome to GC! Be careful not to step on the piles of salt on the way in.
I've seen this asked a thousand times, so no worries. Things that are allowed: Mods that only modify existing assets (i.e build your own...
Pretty decent for just starting out! Remember, it's good practice to update this sheet over time as your character develops.
Any modifications to the game that involve existing assets (HUDs and interfaces are excluded from this as they are client-side) are fine. Wardrobe...
Lore-wise? As in, adding to your character's backstory? Sure, go right ahead! However, if it's an actual minor hub or something...
Always my favorite. Catch ya later space pirate ;-;
//Comment from Lange// "The fall has begun. Thank god I moved out before it happened. My condolences to those that perished in the...
chapter one: im sorry //A reply by Lange would attempt to be made, if even at all possible.// "Whoever you are...I know I can't stop you,...
//Lange simply replies with a shrug emote.\\
//Lange replies.// "Her decision."
//Lange replies.// "Again, it's not for the strangers. She does it for herself. That's her decision."
woo, signatures.